My interpretation of The satellite data is  that the whole set up had
formulated in the Pacific and Hudson's Bay three days earlier.

And the antenna array in Alaska is creating wild fluctuations even as we

 I believe someone had referenced Astrological information last year that
the mid-west was to have unusual weather this year.
Many folks are again talking earth changes.
yes while Sol has quieted to some extent they are still unusually active.

>From some energy work I did with others over the week-end it appears as the
whole Helio-sphere is going through hormonal changes.

Thank goodness OBR did not insist on viewing everything through a DOR-way.

BY the by

Global Hydrology and Climate Center
Global Composite Water Vapor Satellite Data
is @

Run the animation it's great!

Trying to know where to put my finger in the flow
and in Love & Light (and some peasant catholicism also!)

From: Allan Balliett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: Biodynamic Food and Farming Discussion <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, 4 Jun 2003 06:10:41 -0400
Subject: Please read 'Mid-west tornado' section FWD: Orgone Biological
Research Lab Newsletter

>5. About cloudbusting, and the massive tornadic storms in the Midwest
>Several persons have asked if we know of any reasons for the massive
>outbreak of severe tornadoes across the Central USA, several weeks back,
>which have wreaked havoc and destruction in many communities.  Clearly, it
>is an anomalous situation, with the largest number of tornados to
>historically occur in such a short period of time.  It is possible, we must
>acknowledge, that someone or multiple persons in the Western or Great
>Plains USA, was either deliberately or ignorantly using cloudbuster devices
>to create this problem.  Here are some aspects of the problem:
(snip)>    b. Nobody known to us at OBRL, nor through our small CORE Network
>of trained cloudbuster operators, knows what might stand behind the storms.
>Everyone is amazed, but can offer no clarity as to "why".  It may, in the
>final analysis, also be a "natural" phenomenon related to anomalous solar
>activity and solar winds affecting Earth at that same time period.

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