I just read Hugh Lovell's words on "Prep 500 and 501 effects".  It was
way over my head since I can only understand what is going on with the
plants on a intuitive basis.

I want to do a sequential spraying on 3 1/2 acres of our land, the part
that is not wooded, but fenced and in agricultural usage.  I feel O.K.
about BC, 500, 508, but really question the use of 501.  It's really
confusing to read Hugh's references to horn clay because Hugh Courtney
doesn't include it in the sequence.  Should I order some horn clay?  If
I do, when do I spray it?  We have glacial till soil with wind blown
laos from Washington grain fields.

This year food plants have been slow because we had a wet, cold spring,
but the native grass already is showing its seedheads, though they
aren't mature yet.  Our first large German iris will bloom today or
tomorrow.  Everything is going on as it should be.  It's a beautiful
time because there is so much moisture in the soil.  There's always a
big differential between day and night temperature.  In a month, we will
be in drought and we'll be trying to ease the plants with compost tea
since we don't have enough water.  We don't have ANY trouble with things
going to seed except tomatoes, peppers and eggplants must be in cold
frames because the night temperatures slow the fruiting process too
much.  On the other hand, the lettuces and brassicas will show their
flowers too soon.

We are located on a wild meadow--with our garden beds and orchard
surrounded by wild grasses and broadleaf plants--red clover, St. John's
wort, wild rose, snowberry, serviceberry, ceonosis (sp.), bracken fern,
etc., in different areas.  My garden weeds this year are allheal,
catnip, clary sage, hollyhock, parsley, clover, plantain, wild sorrel,
chickweed, red and green orach which we eat in salads.  I want to do a
sequential spray over the whole  3 1/2 acre meadow including cultivated
and wild plants.  Hugh C. suggested that I do it in leaf to stimulate
water influences and I'm thinking about June 20-21.  I don't do the
whole 25 acres because it would be hard to spray in the trees and
underbrush.  Should I be doing that too?

What am I doing when I do a sequential spray sequence?  Can someone
explain it to me the way Hugh Lovell is explaining in his post on 500
and 501, but in not quite so difficult a conceptual framework?



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