I would be interested in reading the paper
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, May 27, 2003 9:45 AM
Subject: Ashing and potentisation

Dear Allan,
Ashing is effective without having to potentise if you have enough material to spread. But when you wind up with a small amount of material and a large area to cover, potentisation is the only way to go. You have to collect a huge amount of aphids to pepper 50 acres of cabbage if you are going to try spreading it by hand. Equally difficult is to try and mix 25000 gallons of a pepper to be sprayed out by plane. That is the stage where we are with potentisation of peppers.
The technique of ashing is proving effective in trials of large-scale weed and rabbit control. It is not possible to emphatically claim that it is the potentisation of the sum pattern of all the minerals, which makes the peppers effective, as it is equally impossible to emphatically declare how homeopathy works.
Many researchers, veterinarians and farmers have shown that agricultural homeopathy is extremely effective. We don't have to reinvent the wheel. Why choose to go down the path of making things more difficult when potentisation has shown the substances to be as the term implies, they are more potent. What seems to be the problem is that many people have a resistance to using Radionic instruments in their farming.
 In the USA this resistance may derive from the persecution of Ruth Drown, and many others. You can bet that when the FDA is persecuting you that you have made it. Maybe there is hope for you farmers in America according to the results of an investigation by a panel of experts from the American Medical Association. The members of the panel have issued a paper that found that if you rebrand Radionics as Bio electromagnetism then the 100,000 illegal practitioners of radionics could be made legal because they are no longer using it. The name will be changed then it will be leading cutting edge in the USA. The panel found that there was irrefutable proof of the effectiveness of radionics. The paper tried to ascertain how Radionics worked, but it found that as 'Bio electromagnetism' it could be explained in existing physics.
 If there is anyone interested in the paper if you contact me off list I will send a copy, as it is about 20 pages. The panel consisted of both alternatives and Medical practitioners.
James Hedley

-----Original Message-----
From: Allan Balliett [
Sent: Monday, 26 May 2003 1:17 PM
To: Biodynamic Food and Farming Discussion
Subject: Re: Potentizing & Diluting Peppers

>  > On the physical
>>  level, Peppers work with the mineral of a substance, which are
>>  accessed by ashing.
>I think Allan probably meant something different to what I have read into
>this - but here goes anyway.

Thanks for pointing out the discrepancies here, Lloyd.

early on in my readings of AGRICULTURE it was drawn to my attention
that peppering had long been a 'standard homeopathic practice.' The
homeopaths who introduced me to this practice essentially said that
it works through the potentization of the sum-total of the mineral
pattern of an organism. Astrology was left out of it, but these folks
were gleefully ridding their carpets of fleas and their kitchens of
roaches through the use of ashes. (Much as the Nazis sought to rid
the German forests of jews by scattering human ashes over them.)

As a point of interest: I know many farmers who have removed pests
from their fields in short order through the use of peppers. To a
person, astrology has not been considered, quantities of pests have
been ashed and, potentized or not potentized, applied with good

This is certainly not to say that Steiner was wrong or that what the
homeopaths are doing is even the same thing as what Steiner is doing,
but it is pointing to another - - and more accessible - - way to skin
a cat.

Thanks again for drawing this out to avoid the creation of confusion.

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