From: "D & S Chamberlain"  Re: radionics, voodoo, holy cards, and 3rd class

> I would like to comment on part of what has
> been alluded to in the previous posts, in particular the assumption that
> hard physical work is a requirement for humans. I have been involved with
> large number of groups of people over the years and without doubt the
> hardest thing to get people to do is to "think". Seeing as how, at least
> my knowledge, humans are the only material manifestations that can
> than surely it is their role in the scheme of things to work hard at
> "thinking". Hard physical work can be done by a number of different
> but they can't "think".
> Am I right or wrong?
> David C

I believe you're right David - sure we need a degree of pyhsical work to
anchor us  (and to keep fit) but the blind, grinding toil that some on the
list would like some others to go through so that their moral high ground be
maintained, and stirred preps be the only way of BD, well I dont believe
that is necessary or even beneficial. We have YET to hear negatively from a
person who has used radionics or field broadcasters in a thinking way,
almost all of the negative comment seems to come from those that have little
or no working knowledge in this field. They come ranting out in print trying
to convince everybody else that there is some awful moral deficiency or
laziness in anybody that would do radionics or use homeopathic preps, that
these are not 'real', that because there is a 'machine' involved there are
'bad' energies (forget about the tractors and other gear involved in stir
and spray),.Against all this we have Steiners active encouragement of the
work of Koliskos studying homeopathic use of the preps and his urging to
Pfeiffer to get it out there now, as much and as quick as we can, and worry
about the experiments later.  Most of the radionics people are quite happy
to agree that they do other things as well, many do stir and spray preps,
composting, and mineral soil balancing in some form. All of these things,
(including physically spraying stirred preps) are a part of the whole
balanced picture, not the whole deal on their own.
Its time for some balance in this argument I think !
Lloyd Charles

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