
New Message on BDOTNET

From: SivaDotNet
Message 3 in Discussion

U can dump the contents of ur data grid / DataSet to an Excel sheet and dispaly it in 
the browser. So this will server u for both, Previewing as well as Printing.  
Here is how it goes ...  
1. Create a new web form  
2. Drag a a DataGrid control onto your Web form from the toolbar. Then right-click on 
the grid and choose Auto Format from the context menu.  
3.In the code behind just add this code in Page Render event  
Dim dt As DataTable = _
CType(Session("MyDataTable"), DataTable)
Response.ContentType = "application/ms-excel"
Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", _
DataGrid1.DataSource = dt
That's all u need to do.  
On the Page where ur Grid is present provide a print button and on click of this open 
this new aspx page which u have created.  
One more thing u need to take care is to make the dataset/datatable avaliable in the 
new aspx page. U can use the same dataset/datatable which u have used for binding to 
ur Data grid.  
Siva kumar 


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