
New Message on BDOTNET

From: Gaddam_Prakash
Message 1 in Discussion

I have an Frameset.aspx in whcih I wld be calling an Summary.aspx
On Load I use Java script to call the summary.aspx URL.
function fOnLoad()
      if (typeof(document.frmFrame)!='undefined') 
           Var strX=document.frmFrame.X.value;
           Var strY=document.frmFrame.Y.value;
          Var strZ=document.frmFrame.Z.value;
                 document.all.ifPage.src="summary.aspx ?X=" + strX + "&Y=" + 
strX + "&Z=" + strZ
I call this Frameset.aspx with out the passing Z querystring from another 
frame.aspx.( Z is defined to nothing in my code behind.) 
I some times see that the summary.aspx page is not getting loaded, I just get a 
blank page and some times every things works fine.
I cld not get what going on wrong.Any help on this wld be really appreciated.


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