On Thursday, January 22, 2015 at 5:18:09 PM UTC-5, Boris Ostrovskiy wrote:
> It takes my beaglebone ~70seconds to fully boot. Looking at "dmesg" it 
> seems like most of that time is spent setting up / loading network 
> functionality. I do need the ethernet connection but is there a way to 
> speed up the process...?
For numbers I list below, I define boot time as the time from when power is 
applied to when I get to a login prompt on a serial console.  I'm running 
3.8.13-bone69 on a beaglebone black rev c.   With eth0 setup for auto and 
dhcp in the interfaces file, it takes my board about 77 seconds to boot.  I 
can reduce that time to 11 seconds by making the following changes:

1) disable auto for eth0. ie change in /etc/network/interfaces "auto eth0" 
to "#auto eth0"
2) add the line "ifup eth0;"  to /etc/rc.local.  
With these changes, I consistently get boot times in the 10 to 11 second 
range and eth0 gets its ip address from a dhcp server.  

frank agius

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