On Friday, March 25, 2016 at 1:07:22 PM UTC+2, dorica wrote:
> Hello,
> I've got a new BeagleBone black, rev. C, and i flashed it with Debian 8.3. 
> It works fine, but looking around I noticed it loads the cape-universaln 
> overlay (I looked in sys/devices/platform/bone_capemgr/slots), but in 
> /boot/uEnv.txt is says it has to load cape-universal. I know the difference 
> between them (audio), but I cant find where it says it has to load the 
> cape-universaln.
> It is, somehow, speciffied in am335x_evm.sh? if so, can it be changed? 
> I have tried to make a custom overlay, setting P9_14 as output, but I 
> cannot put it in slots, because is in conflict with the loaded cape. I can 
> modify the source file for cape-universaln, compile and repalce the dtbo, 
> but I dont like the idea so much, so now I am stuck at wondering where are 
> those overlays loaded, and how can i avoid conflicts. 

> Putting it to /etc/default/capemgr makes slots showing that my overlay has 
> been loaded (also in dmesg), but it has replaced the cape-universaln, and 
> all the gpios in sys/class/gpio are gone (they are not defined in my 
> overlay) and replaced with gpiochip0, 32, 64 and 96.
I dont want to change all the pins, I just want to make P9_14 an output, at 
boot, so I can use it without setting it every time (and wihout root). How 
can I do that.
Also,echo it to export say permission denied (as root). 

> Thank you

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