On Wed, Apr 26, 2017 at 8:31 AM, ithinu <arturra...@gmail.com> wrote:

> The board is connected to a 5V power supply, to a USB hub and via Ethernet
> to a router. It has no capes.
> uname -a
> Linux beaglebone 4.4.39-ti-r75 #1 SMP Thu Dec 15 22:16:11 UTC 2016 armv7l
> GNU/Linux
> The command
>   sudo systemctl poweroff
> reboots it just like
>   shutdown -P now
> However, if the board is disconnected from the USB hub (still connected to
> the power supply), both of the above commands shut the unit down as
> expected. I checked this several times: connecting even a running unit to
> USB makes it unable to shutdown. However, if powered from USB (power supply
> disconnected) the board shuts down again without a problem.
> I tested this several times and it seems, that the only combination where
> the board can not shut down is when connected to both the power supply and
> USB at once. Which is ok as of me, as I do not need the USB connection any
> more.
> There is an old thread (the kernel must obviously have been different)
> where a similar problem is reported by several people:
> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/beagleboard/qw5zlS4F4p4/chu0J3VXKgAJ

Without looking at the post, no it's probably not the same issue. Because
if that is the topic I think it is. It would cause the boards to not boot.
In either case I think the fix will be the same. You may need to do surgery
on your USB hub, and remove the power back into the host aspect of the hub.
e.g. it sounds very much like your getting backfeed power over the USB from
your hub. On some boards( I've only heard of this with ODROID boards ),
this can be caused by HDMI as well.

Short story, you're using a powered hub, and you need to keep that hub from
sending power back into the host.

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