I've been having trouble getting the New Haven 7.0' touchscreen to work 
well with my BBB rev C. I got to the point of being able start a desktop 
manager (lxde) and move the mouse around, however after a little bit the 
display will start randomly flickering out. It looks like the display is 
rebooting: Flashing white, going black for about 0.5 seconds before coming 
back. Occasionally I see FIFO underflow errors from tilcdc, but not 

I have followed a couple different methods to get to this point:
1. http://elinux.org/Nh5capeSoftware#Kernel_4.1 
I got the device overlay from: apt-get bb-cape-overlays, as it claims it 
can't find the device overlay for the display, despite it being included in 
the kernel build.
I installed SGX and tslib, but SGX crashes at boot time. Other than 
installing tslib, I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do with it.

2. I also tried updating uboot and updating bb-cape-overlays using 
instructions provided in this thread on a 4.4.36-ti 
I did this without including SGX, tslib, or the kernel drivers provided by 
New Haven, but it seems to work just as well as the method New Haven 

Any thoughts on what might be going wrong?

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