>>And I will finally learn a python ;)

Thanks for using my language. I read and thought about your code but in the 
end I chose to use SSH rather then telnet. SSH support is already present 
in the debian distribution I am using so I could get it working without 
writing any more code on the beagle bone side.

>>  If that's a sustained rate, and not burst, it is likely extreme for 
serial protocols.

After rechecking my numbers, I agree it was a bad idea for me to be using 
serial for this data rate. I have switched to using SSH. I attach a minimal 
example below that I wrote to prove that the communication is faster and 
error free. To run this the paramiko library is required.

import paramiko
import time

# setup logging
port = 22
# hostname = ''  # highest measured bytes per second over 
ethernet: 7,868,481
hostname = ''  # highest measured bytes per second over usb: 
username = 'root'
password = ''

client = paramiko.SSHClient()
client.connect(hostname, port, username, password)
stdin, stdout, stderr = client.exec_command('yes 1234567890', bufsize=2**24)
print('streaming started')
startTime = time.perf_counter()
total_data = 0
for i in range(10_000):
    line = stdout.readline()
    if line == '1234567890\n':
        total_data += len(line)
    # x = stdout.read(10_000) # this is faster then readline
    # total_data += len(x)
print(f'bytes per second: 

The above program transfers data with no losses at an average rate of 
2,580,544 bytes per second. The speed changes according to how the data is 
processed on the PC side so that is probably the speed limitation now. Now 
that I have proven the communication works fine I will make my pressure 
data stream over SSH. At some point in the future I will probably remove 
the checksums on the pressure data once I can show there are no checksum 
failures in production.

I don't need any more help, thanks everyone.

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