Hi, I'm a hardware guy by training and experience so I'm pretty much a newb 
when it comes to this.

I'm am using node-red on a BBB trying to service a http request and return 
a simple web page. Right now I'm trying to use an example flow from 
node-red and it doesn't seem to be working.
I'm not sure how to format the Get request argument among other things. I 
also am not sure how to debug this other than visiting the URL with a 
chrome or firefox browser page.

Has anyone else done this? Does anyone have a flow that's known to work on 
the BBB rev C? 

Debian 9.5
BoneScript 0.7.0. 
node-red v0.19.4

Here's the JSON flow:

html> \n<html>\n<head>\n\t<title>Page Title</title>\n\t<meta 
name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width, initial-scale=1\">\n\t<link 
Start of first page: #one -->\n<div data-role=\"page\" 
data-role=\"header\">\n\t\t<h1>Multi-page</h1>\n\t</div><!-- /header 
-->\n\n\t<div role=\"main\" class=\"ui-content\" 
>\n\t\t<h2>One</h2>\n\n\t\t<p>I have an <code>id</code> of \"one\" on my 
page container. I'm first in the source order so I'm shown when the page 
loads.</p>\n\n\t\t<p>This is a multi-page boilerplate template that you can 
copy to build your first jQuery Mobile page. This template contains 
multiple \"page\" containers inside, unlike a single page template that has 
just one page within it.</p>\n\t\t<p>Just view the source and copy the code 
to get started. All the CSS and JS is linked to the jQuery CDN versions so 
this is super easy to set up. Remember to include a meta viewport tag in 
the head to set the zoom level.</p>\n\t\t<p>You link to internal pages by 
referring to the <code>id</code> of the page you want to show. For example, 
to <a href=\"#two\" >link</a> to the page with an <code>id</code> of 
\"two\", my link would have a <code>href=\"#two\"</code> in the 
code.</p>\n\n\t\t<h3>Show internal pages:</h3>\n\t\t<p><a href=\"#two\" 
class=\"ui-btn ui-shadow ui-corner-all\">Show page 
\"two\"</a></p>\n\t\t<p><a href=\"#popup\" class=\"ui-btn ui-shadow 
ui-corner-all\" data-rel=\"dialog\" data-transition=\"pop\">Show page 
\"popup\" (as a dialog)</a></p>\n\t</div><!-- /content -->\n\n\t<div 
data-role=\"footer\" data-theme=\"a\">\n\t\t<h4>Page 
Footer</h4>\n\t</div><!-- /footer -->\n</div><!-- /page one -->\n\n<!-- 
Start of second page: #two -->\n<div data-role=\"page\" id=\"two\" 
data-role=\"header\">\n\t\t<h1>Two</h1>\n\t</div><!-- /header -->\n\n\t<div 
role=\"main\" class=\"ui-content\">\n\t\t<h2>Two</h2>\n\t\t<p>I have an id 
of \"two\" on my page container. I'm the second page container in this 
multi-page template.</p>\n\t\t<p>Notice that the theme is different for 
this page because we've added a few <code>data-theme</code> swatch 
assigments here to show off how flexible it is. You can add any content or 
widget to these pages, but we're keeping these simple.</p>\n\t\t<p><a 
href=\"#one\" data-direction=\"reverse\" class=\"ui-btn ui-shadow 
ui-corner-all ui-btn-b\">Back to page \"one\"</a></p>\n\n\t</div><!-- 
/content -->\n\n\t<div data-role=\"footer\">\n\t\t<h4>Page 
Footer</h4>\n\t</div><!-- /footer -->\n</div><!-- /page two -->\n\n<!-- 
Start of third page: #popup -->\n<div data-role=\"page\" 
id=\"popup\">\n\n\t<div data-role=\"header\" 
data-theme=\"b\">\n\t\t<h1>Dialog</h1>\n\t</div><!-- /header -->\n\n\t<div 
role=\"main\" class=\"ui-content\">\n\t\t<h2>Popup</h2>\n\t\t<p>I have an 
id of \"popup\" on my page container and only look like a dialog because 
the link to me had a <code>data-rel=\"dialog\"</code> attribute which gives 
me this inset look and a <code>data-transition=\"pop\"</code> attribute to 
change the transition to pop. Without this, I'd be styled as a normal 
page.</p>\n\t\t<p><a href=\"#one\" data-rel=\"back\" class=\"ui-btn 
ui-shadow ui-corner-all ui-btn-inline ui-icon-back ui-btn-icon-left\">Back 
to page \"one\"</a></p>\n\t</div><!-- /content -->\n\n\t<div 
data-role=\"footer\">\n\t\t<h4>Page Footer</h4>\n\t</div><!-- /footer 
-->\n</div><!-- /page popup 


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