On Wed, Dec 5, 2018 at 2:38 PM Richard <rlten...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi! I'm having difficulty understanding and modifying the BBBW network 
> configuration.
> At boot on the BBBW, somehow, these IP addresses are assigned
>   SoftAP0:

/etc/default/bb-wl18xx (changeable)

>   lo:
>   usb0:

/etc/network/interfaces, mostly hard-coded now..

>   usb1:

hard-coded... /opt/scripts/boot/am335x_evm.sh

>   wlan0: 192.168.1.xxx
> But I can't figure out where each of these addresses comes from, nor -- more 
> interestingly -- how to change them. If there is a single place where this 
> happens, I've not found it. And if there is any documentation, I've not found 
> it, either. [There's lots of documentation about debian network configuration 
> on the Internet. Pick your favorite, but it may or may not apply to the BBBW. 
> In fact, it probably doesn't.]
> I do know how to use connmanctl (to set wlan0), but it explicitly ignores 
> SoftAP0,  usb0, and  usb1 because of the line
>   NetworkInterfaceBlacklist=SoftAp0,usb0,usb1
> in /etc/connman/main.conf
> So my questions are:
> (a)  How and where is each of these assigned?
> (b)  If I want to change one of them permanently, what do I do?
> and while asking these questions, here's a related one:
> (c)  How can I change the name and password for the BeagleBone-XXXX access 
> point that goes with SoftAP0?



Robert Nelson

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