On Mon, Sep 23, 2019 at 12:09 AM Jason Kridner wrote:

> On Fri, Sep 20, 2019 at 6:54 PM Richard Tarbell wrote:
>> Greetings All!
>> Is there/will there be tutorials, on how to run Linux on the Beaglebone
>> AI, but run real time code on its two DSP processors?
> Yes. You use OpenCL to program the DSPs. The 
> https://girhub.com/beagleboard/cloud9-exampkes
> repo will eventually host some DSP examples, bit just TIDL.

I meant "besides" just TIDL. Also, I've started the README.md at

It seems the images have the /usr/share/ti/examples/opencl directory
already. Unfortunately, it is owned by root, so you'll need to go into
there and run 'sudo make'.

It looks like some of the examples use SDL, so you'll want to run 'sudo apt
update; sudo apt install libsdl2-dev' first.

For the examples that require XDC, I don't have an easy answer today.

Here's some quick output:
debian@beaglebone:/usr/share/ti/examples/opencl$ cd simple/
debian@beaglebone:/usr/share/ti/examples/opencl/simple$ ls
kernel.cl  Makefile  Makefile.rtos  simple  simple.cpp  simple.o
debian@beaglebone:/usr/share/ti/examples/opencl/simple$ cd ../vecadd/
debian@beaglebone:/usr/share/ti/examples/opencl/vecadd$ sudo ./vecadd
DEVICE: TI Multicore C66 DSP

Offloading vector addition of 8192K elements...

Kernel Exec : Queue  to Submit: 15 us
Kernel Exec : Submit to Start : 404 us
Kernel Exec : Start  to End   : 52876 us


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