Am Sonntag, 19. Januar 2020 09:20:58 UTC+1 schrieb Andrew P. Lentvorski:
> Okay, yes, if I build a kernel module I now have full access to all 
> registers on the system with no restrictions.  That's sort of like swatting 
> a fly with an H-Bomb, but it will work.

You need not build your own H-Bomp. You can use the existing one

sudo apt-get install libpruio-modules-`uname -r`

Note: AFAIK RCN didn't update the source code, yet. That version uses a 
slightly different encoding than the LKM in the current libpruio-0.6.6. 
Check the source in RCNs build-farm.

Note: libpruio offers some safety features. Ie. it doesn't remux a pin 
claimed by an other system (, unless this feature gets disabled). Using the 
LKM without libpruio is at you own risc. Your code has to care about such 

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