I'm looking into using libgpiod to control the GPIO on the Beaglebone AI in 
user space. I'm starting small and trying to use the included command line 
tools gpioget and gpioset, but not having any success.

The Beaglebone AI System Manual 
what looks like the gpio chip and line under pinmux mode 14. P8.19 looks to 
be gpiochip4 line 10. Am I reading that right?

I have P8.19 configured in a device tree overlay to be an INPUT_PULLUP, 
pinmuxed to mode 14. I have a button wired up to P8.19, which shorts it to 
GND. I have verified that the button works using sysfs P8.19 GPIO number is 
106, also listed in the same table from the system manual):

echo 106 > /sys/class/gpio/export
cat /sys/class/gpio/gpio106/value 

The last command outputs 1 when the button is not depressed, 0 when it is, 
as expected. I'm unable to use gpioget to see the same results:

gpioget gpiochip4 10

When I run that, I always get back 0. Any thoughts?

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