On Thu, Apr 23, 2020 at 7:42 AM <rpaulb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have done that, but I am perplexed with the results I posted – I think that 
> was from a different unit as I have several in various states of development. 
>  From what I have read, the usb gadget takes most of the userspace time.  On 
> the one hand, I find it amazing that the startup scripts work for so many 
> boards, but on the other hand I find their size and complexity daunting to 
> tramps through and figure out.

Hi Paul,

What kernel are you using?

Before our Spring 2020 release time, i had spent some time cleaning up
the boot script (and the kernel..)

Have you tried the newer Spring 2020 "console" image?


Out of the box, (2nd boot, as the 1st boot generates the ssh keys..)

debian@beaglebone:~$ uname -r

debian@beaglebone:~$ systemd-analyze
Startup finished in 7.686s (kernel) + 29.068s (userspace) = 36.755s
graphical.target reached after 28.776s in userspace

debian@beaglebone:~$ systemd-analyze blame
         21.211s generic-board-startup.service
         19.429s dev-mmcblk0p1.device
          3.214s systemd-udev-trigger.service
          2.649s loadcpufreq.service
          1.970s networking.service
          1.466s ssh.service
          1.387s systemd-logind.service
          1.318s systemd-journald.service
          1.261s systemd-timesyncd.service
          1.135s connman.service
          1.077s bb-wl18xx-wlan0.service
           835ms dnsmasq.service
           707ms cpufrequtils.service
           695ms wpa_supplicant.service
           644ms kmod-static-nodes.service
           642ms systemd-fsck-root.service
           626ms systemd-user-sessions.service
           611ms sys-kernel-debug.mount
           604ms systemd-update-utmp.service
           541ms systemd-remount-fs.service
           518ms user@1000.service
           478ms systemd-tmpfiles-setup.service
           457ms systemd-sysctl.service
           448ms rsyslog.service
           447ms systemd-modules-load.service
           411ms systemd-journal-flush.service
           389ms dev-mqueue.mount
           387ms systemd-sysusers.service
           381ms sys-fs-fuse-connections.mount
           361ms systemd-udevd.service
           337ms systemd-random-seed.service
           273ms sys-kernel-config.mount
           234ms systemd-tmpfiles-setup-dev.service
           223ms systemd-update-utmp-runlevel.service
           151ms ifupdown-pre.service
           125ms user-runtime-dir@1000.service
            94ms bb-wl18xx-bluetooth.service

Looks like i forgot to disable*  wl18xx on boot-up on the PocketBeagle..


debian@beaglebone:~$ sudo systemctl disable bb-wl18xx-bluetooth.service
debian@beaglebone:~$ sudo systemctl disable bb-wl18xx-wlan0.service

debian@beaglebone:~$ systemd-analyze
Startup finished in 7.669s (kernel) + 28.640s (userspace) = 36.310s
graphical.target reached after 28.363s in userspace

debian@beaglebone:~$ sudo rm /boot/initrd.img-4.19.94-ti-r42

debian@beaglebone:~$ systemd-analyze
Startup finished in 1.355s (kernel) + 27.831s (userspace) = 29.187s
graphical.target reached after 27.564s in userspace

debian@beaglebone:~$ systemd-analyze blame
         19.893s generic-board-startup.service
         19.072s dev-mmcblk0p1.device
          3.193s systemd-udev-trigger.service
          2.905s loadcpufreq.service
          1.898s networking.service
          1.427s ssh.service
          1.314s systemd-timesyncd.service
          1.159s systemd-journald.service
          1.043s systemd-logind.service
           929ms connman.service
           878ms cpufrequtils.service
           864ms dnsmasq.service
           830ms systemd-fsck-root.service
           699ms rsyslog.service
           608ms wpa_supplicant.service
           578ms systemd-user-sessions.service
           557ms sys-kernel-debug.mount
           506ms systemd-modules-load.service
           506ms user@1000.service
           467ms systemd-tmpfiles-setup.service
           465ms systemd-update-utmp.service
           452ms kmod-static-nodes.service
           399ms systemd-sysusers.service
           393ms systemd-journal-flush.service
           386ms systemd-sysctl.service
           345ms systemd-udevd.service
           341ms sys-kernel-config.mount
           322ms systemd-random-seed.service
           296ms dev-mqueue.mount
           284ms sys-fs-fuse-connections.mount
           258ms systemd-remount-fs.service
           203ms systemd-tmpfiles-setup-dev.service
           194ms systemd-update-utmp-runlevel.service
           152ms user-runtime-dir@1000.service
           113ms ifupdown-pre.service

There under 30 seconds, with more room to disable things. ;)

If you kill "generic-board-startup.service" make sure you have a
usb-serial adapter plugged into the usart on the PocketBeagle's uart
pins, as the usb gadget will go away..


Robert Nelson

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