
I am using BBBW for learning Embedded Linux. I have taken an online course 
in which BBB is being used. Also, they are using Angstrom distribution of 
Linux. Since I did not get Angstrom distribution for BBBW I am using Debian 
10.3 version from Beagleboard.ord. I am able to boot the board successfully 
from this. But my question is, when I enter into U-boot login page by 
terminating auto boot, I should be able to load kernel image at a specific 
address of DDR3. But I am facing issue with this. I execute below commands 
to load the kernel Image

load mmc 1:1 0x82000000 /boot/vmlinuz-4.19.94.ti-r42

where mmc is mmc interface
           1 dev number (here I am using booting from eMMC i.e, MMC1)
           1 is partition number. Since its debian ,eMMC has only one 
partition i.e, rootfs
           /boot/vmlinuz-4.19.94.ti-r42 is image name which is present 
inside /boot/ folder

This command executes successfully. It shows some 10590617 bytes read which 
is the size of kernel image. But when I execute next command as below then 
I get error.
           bootm 0x82000000 
it gives Wrong Image format, Can't get kernel Image.
Please help me with this. I tried with the address 0x80000000. But no 
success, same error.

Note: If you are using BBB and Angstrom distribution, then load command 
will be "load mmc 1:2 0x82000000 /boot/uImage". This is given in online 
course. For them its working

Thank you

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