On Mon, Jun 1, 2020 at 1:06 PM Robert Nelson <robertcnel...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 1, 2020 at 12:51 PM John Reister <john.reis...@gopowerev.com> 
> wrote:
> >
> > I looked over some of the prior discussions around softAP using 
> > /etc/default/bb-wl18xx settings.  Seems like an option to use a 
> > user-generate hostapd.
> > I have a couple questions:
> > 1) I'd like to use the softAP to exchange raw Ethernet with some host STAs. 
> >  It seems like I can change the SSID and passkey by modifying the 
> > /etc/default/bb-wl18xx.  I want to make the SSID hidden (not broadcast) and 
> > I'd like to disable the DHCP on that interface as well.  Is that possible?
> SSID hidden would be;
> # Send empty SSID in beacons and ignore probe request frames that do not
> # specify full SSID, i.e., require stations to know SSID.
> # default: disabled (0)
> # 1 = send empty (length=0) SSID in beacon and ignore probe request for
> #     broadcast SSID
> # 2 = clear SSID (ASCII 0), but keep the original length (this may be required
> #     with some clients that do not support empty SSID) and ignore probe
> #     requests for broadcast SSID
> ignore_broadcast_ssid=0
> I can patch that in tomorrow, so the value could be utilzed..
> https://github.com/RobertCNelson/bb-wl18xx-firmware/blob/master/debian/bb-wl18xx-tether
> > 2) Is it possible to change the SSID and passkey without rebooting?  [not a 
> > crisis if I have to reboot]
> You could try just re-running:
> sudo /usr/bin/bb-wl18xx-tether
> (un-tested..)
> Probably best to kill hostapd and just re-run: (with /tmp/hostapd-wl18xx.conf)
> sudo /usr/sbin/hostapd -B /tmp/hostapd-wl18xx.conf
> > 3) Is there a good way to use Python to change the SSID and passkey?  My 
> > Python code has the BB (acting as a wifi STA) communicating with a server 
> > (AWS).  I would like to remotely configure the BB with a softAP SSID and 
> > passkey, so that my IOT devices can connect to it.
> It's a raw /etc/default/bb-wl18xx
> sed -i -e 's:USE_PERSONAL_SSID:#USE_PERSONAL_SSID:g' /etc/default/bb-wl18xx
> /etc/default/bb-wl18xx
> echo 'USE_PERSONAL_SSID="myssid"' >> /etc/default/bb-wl18xx
> echo 'USE_PERSONAL_PASSWORD="mypassword"' >> /etc/default/bb-wl18xx

ps you can bypass the whole generated hostapd with:

# USE_GENERATED_HOSTAPD: use generated version of /etc/hostapd.conf;
set to no so user can modify /etc/hostapd.conf

Then just set /etc/hostapd.conf as you see fit, and on startup your
version of /etc/hostapd.conf will be used..


Robert Nelson

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