On Wednesday, 15 July 2020 16:29:55 UTC+3, jaka.k...@gmail.com wrote:
> Current Beaglebone Black images offer support for high resolution timers 
> in Linux kernel. They are controlled by ktime.h library and depend on 
> system's clocks (CLOCK_MONOTONIC, CLOCK_REALTIME,...). The clocks can be 
> looked up from userspace programs with commands clock_gettime 
> <https://linux.die.net/man/2/clock_gettime>, clock_settime and 
> clock_getres from time.h library.
> What I would like to do is make/write a protocol in c that would 
> synchronize realtime clocks between two boards over ethernet cable 
> connection or internet. My goal is testing how accurately two clocks can be 
> set to the same global time under different protocols. I'm planning to 
> start with ntp, would using an existing library or client make sense here? 
> I read BBB sometimes comes with daemons for ntp, in that case how would I 
> set one board to act as a server in protocol?

Note that the Beaglebone Debian images use a small systemd service called 
systemd-timesyncd to set the system RTC. This service queries current time 
via SNTP (on boot, and periodically while the system is running) and 
updates /dev/rtc0 with the received time. Perhaps you can get started with 
that simple, out-of-box feature?


Kind regards,
Tarmo Kuuse

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