One more thing: If you disambiguate the cost currency in your reducing
transaction, the FIFO method is working fine:

2013-11-27 open Assets:AU:Coinjar:BTC  BTC "FIFO"
2014-01-05 * "Deposit Cold storage"
  Assets:AU:ColdStorage:BTC                     1.0 BTC {}
  Assets:AU:Coinjar:BTC                        -1.0 BTC {AUD}

Or if you don't care about the cost basis in ColdStorage (you lose it):

2013-11-27 open Assets:AU:Coinjar:BTC  BTC "FIFO"
2014-01-05 * "Deposit Cold storage"
  Assets:AU:ColdStorage:BTC                     1.0 BTC @
  Assets:AU:Coinjar:BTC                        -1.0 BTC {AUD}

This also works:

2014-01-05 * "Deposit Cold storage"
  Assets:AU:ColdStorage:BTC                     1.0 BTC @ AUD
  Assets:AU:Coinjar:BTC                        -1.0 BTC {}

Both of these do what you'd expect them to, that is, it gets translated to
this transaction:

Location: /home/blais/r/q/beancount-data/user/smile/smile1.beancount:25

------------ Balances before transaction


  Assets:AU:Coinjar:BTC      0.14161 BTC {1059.247228303085940258456324
AUD, 2013-11-27}
  Assets:AU:Coinjar:BTC      0.118776 BTC {1262.881390179834309961608406
AUD, 2013-11-29}
  Assets:AU:Coinjar:BTC      0.149156 BTC {1005.658505189197886776261096
AUD, 2013-12-10}
  Assets:AU:Coinjar:BTC      0.673358 BTC {742.5470552068884605217432629
AUD, 2013-12-17}
  Assets:AU:Coinjar:BTC      0.230398 BTC {651.0473181190808947994340229
AUD, 2013-12-19}

------------ Transaction

2014-01-05 * "Deposit Cold storage"
  Assets:AU:ColdStorage:BTC   1.000000 BTC @ 888.4428491233489466227474835
AUD  ;  888.4428491233489466227474835 AUD
  Assets:AU:Coinjar:BTC      -0.141610 BTC {1059.25 AUD, 2013-11-27}
     ; -150.0000000000000000000000000 AUD
  Assets:AU:Coinjar:BTC      -0.118776 BTC {1262.88 AUD, 2013-11-29}
     ; -150.0000000000000000000000000 AUD
  Assets:AU:Coinjar:BTC      -0.149156 BTC {1005.66 AUD, 2013-12-10}
     ; -150.0000000000000000000000000 AUD
  Assets:AU:Coinjar:BTC      -0.590458 BTC {742.55 AUD, 2013-12-17}
    ; -438.4428491233489466227474835 AUD

Tolerances: BTC=0.000005
Basis: (-888.4428491233489466227474835 AUD)

------------ Balances after transaction

* Assets:AU:ColdStorage:BTC                                            1.0

* Assets:AU:Coinjar:BTC      0.082900 BTC {742.5470552068884605217432629
AUD, 2013-12-17}
  Assets:AU:Coinjar:BTC      0.230398 BTC {651.0473181190808947994340229
AUD, 2013-12-19}

And the following one succeeds just fine.

I think this is the best solution of all ofthose, just
- make sure you use cost basis consistently
- clearly indicate the cost currency when you're using automatic matching /

I'll fix the tickets anyhow, but if you do this, nothing should change.

On Mon, Jun 12, 2017 at 11:17 PM, Martin Blais <> wrote:

> (Apologies for the long response, you've triggered an interesting corner
> case which may require a fix.)
> The error you made here (deducting 1.0 BTC from the account with existing
> positions without specifying the cost basis) brings up an interesting
> corner case.
> The following is sufficient to trigger the error:
> 2013-11-27 open Assets:AU:Coinjar:BTC  BTC
> 2013-11-27 open Assets:AU:Coinjar:Cash AUD
> 2013-11-27 open Assets:AU:ColdStorage:BTC BTC
> 2014-01-05 * "Deposit Cold storage"
>   Assets:AU:ColdStorage:BTC                     1.0 BTC
>   Assets:AU:Coinjar:BTC                        -1.0 BTC
> 2014-01-28 * "Buy BTC"
>   Assets:AU:Coinjar:BTC                         0.162288 BTC
> {924.2827565808932268559597752 AUD}
>   Assets:AU:Coinjar:Cash                     -150.00 AUD
> What's happening is that after the first transaction the Coinjar:BTC
> account contains a negative number of units of BTC:
> bean-doctor context smile1.beancount 6
> Hash:f7a2fba6639dd0ec5d52abce3788f32d
> Location: /home/blais/r/q/beancount-data/user/smile/smile1.beancount:5
> ------------ Balances before transaction
>   Assets:AU:ColdStorage:BTC
>   Assets:AU:Coinjar:BTC
> ------------ Transaction
> 2014-01-05 * "Deposit Cold storage"
>   Assets:AU:ColdStorage:BTC   1.0 BTC
>   Assets:AU:Coinjar:BTC      -1.0 BTC
> Tolerances: BTC=0.05
> ------------ Balances after transaction
> * Assets:AU:ColdStorage:BTC                                            1.0
> * Assets:AU:Coinjar:BTC                                               -1.0
> "Adding" BTC to this negative inventory essentially means a "reduction" of
> the negative number of BTC (you're reducing the short position).
> Since the second transaction is providing a cost basis and it has only a
> single lot with no cost basis, it cannot find a lot that matches, so you
> get an error.
> This is WAI.
> (But it does beg the question regarding whether lots without a cost basis
> should be treated distinctly; so far I'm not convinced that they should, I
> don't have a great use case for that, so they're not.)
> If I leave all the previous transactions, one gets into a slightly
> different case:
> bean-doctor context smile1.beancount 27
> Hash:f7a2fba6639dd0ec5d52abce3788f32d
> Location: /home/blais/r/q/beancount-data/user/smile/smile1.beancount:26
> ------------ Balances before transaction
>   Assets:AU:ColdStorage:BTC
>   Assets:AU:Coinjar:BTC      0.14161 BTC {1059.247228303085940258456324
> AUD, 2013-11-27}
>   Assets:AU:Coinjar:BTC      0.118776 BTC {1262.881390179834309961608406
> AUD, 2013-11-29}
>   Assets:AU:Coinjar:BTC      0.149156 BTC {1005.658505189197886776261096
> AUD, 2013-12-10}
>   Assets:AU:Coinjar:BTC      0.673358 BTC {742.5470552068884605217432629
> AUD, 2013-12-17}
>   Assets:AU:Coinjar:BTC      0.230398 BTC {651.0473181190808947994340229
> AUD, 2013-12-19}
> ------------ Transaction
> 2014-01-05 * "Deposit Cold storage"
>   Assets:AU:ColdStorage:BTC   1.000000 BTC
>   Assets:AU:Coinjar:BTC      -1.000000 BTC
> Tolerances: BTC=0.05
> ------------ Balances after transaction
> * Assets:AU:ColdStorage:BTC                                            1.0
>   Assets:AU:Coinjar:BTC      0.14161 BTC {1059.247228303085940258456324
> AUD, 2013-11-27}
>   Assets:AU:Coinjar:BTC      0.118776 BTC {1262.881390179834309961608406
> AUD, 2013-11-29}
>   Assets:AU:Coinjar:BTC      0.149156 BTC {1005.658505189197886776261096
> AUD, 2013-12-10}
>   Assets:AU:Coinjar:BTC      0.673358 BTC {742.5470552068884605217432629
> AUD, 2013-12-17}
>   Assets:AU:Coinjar:BTC      0.230398 BTC {651.0473181190808947994340229
> AUD, 2013-12-19}
> * Assets:AU:Coinjar:BTC                                               -1.0
> Here, in theory (excluding the last transaction), there are enough BTC to
> cover the -1.0 reduction and keep the balance positive:
> bean-query smile1.beancount "select account, sum(units(position)) group by
> 1"
>          account          sum_units_positi
> ------------------------- ----------------
> Assets:AU:Coinjar:BTC         0.313298 BTC
> Assets:AU:Coinjar:Cash    -1100.00     AUD
> Assets:AU:ColdStorage:BTC     1.0      BTC
> The real problem is that the transaction removing -1.0 BTC from the
> Coinjar:BTC should have failed and raised an error message. It's a bug that
> it did not (I'll have to address that; I'm quite surprised this wasn't
> covered by my unit tests - thanks for bringing up that question).
> Ticket:
> reductions-without-a-cost-basis-should
> Now, with the default booking method (STRICT) If you reduce an existing
> position, you should have to provide the cost basis you want to book
> against. Given the frequency with which those transactions appear to occur,
> explicitly selecting each of the lots to reduce in order to move your 1.0
> BTC to cold storage would be a pain in the butt. I think you'll want
> something easier.
> Normally, you can set that account's booking algorithm to something else,
> e.g. "FIFO", which would select the lots for you:
> 2013-11-27 open Assets:AU:Coinjar:BTC  BTC  "FIFO"
> ...
> 2014-01-05 * "Deposit Cold storage"
>   Assets:AU:ColdStorage:BTC                     1.0 BTC
>   Assets:AU:Coinjar:BTC                        -1.0 BTC {}
> But this appears to trigger another bug!
> Congratulations, you've found two at once (finding one is reasonably rare
> these days).
> Tickets:
> without-a-cost-currency-appears-to
> I'm going to fix those, but in any case, you shouldn't be able to reduce
> an inventory with lots with -1.0 BTC.
> Either you'll have to select the lots explicltly, or let one of the
> automatic booking methods do it for you.
> In any case, you should probably never mix operations at cost (with {...})
> with those not at cost (without {...}) on a single account.
> In the meantime, you can disable the booking algorithm by setting the
> method to "NONE":
> 2013-11-27 open Assets:AU:Coinjar:BTC  BTC  "NONE"
> ...
> 2014-01-05 * "Deposit Cold storage"
>   Assets:AU:ColdStorage:BTC                     1.0 BTC
>   Assets:AU:Coinjar:BTC                        -1.0 BTC
> This effectively replicates the Ledger model. The resulting inventory will
> have all the transactions in it, and you can sum up the resulting number of
> UNITS() or COST() and these numbers will be correct. However, the detailed
> contents of the inventory will appear messy. But it works.
> I think the way forward is for me to fix the two bugs and for you to use
> the FIFO method thereafter.
> Or... it's also possible that you're not attempting to track cost basis.
> If that's the case you can just use price conversions (with @ ...).
> If you used price conversions, there are no lots (well, just a single lot
> with no cost basis).
> I hope this helps,
> On Mon, Jun 12, 2017 at 12:48 AM, <> wrote:
>> Hi there,
>> I'm new to beancount and I'm trying to use it to bring sanity to some old
>> Bitcoin transactions.
>> I start off making the odd purchase of BTC in Australian dollars using
>> the Coinjar service with one beancount account for BTC and one for AUD.
>> However, once I move 1.0 BTC out of my Coinjar BTC account into a paper
>> wallet, subsequent purchases throw an error in bean-check:
>> No position matches "Posting(account='Assets:AU:Coinjar:BTC',
>> units=0.162288 BTC, cost=CostSpec(number_per=Decim
>> al('924.2827565808932268559597752'), number_total=None, currency='AUD',
>> date=None, label=None, merge=False), price=None, flag=None, meta={'lineno':
>> 24, 'filename': '/home/dave/fin/accounts/bitcoin-test.beancount'})"
>> against balance (-1.0 BTC, 0.230398 BTC {651.0473181190808947994340229 AUD,
>> 2013-12-19}, 0.673358 BTC {742.5470552068884605217432629 AUD, 2013-12-17},
>> 0.149156 BTC {1005.658505189197886776261096 AUD, 2013-12-10}, 0.14161 BTC
>> {1059.247228303085940258456324 AUD, 2013-11-27}, 0.118776 BTC
>> {1262.881390179834309961608406 AUD, 2013-11-29})
>> But of course no existing position matches; this is a new lot I'm
>> purchasing. Here's a simple sample file to reproduce. Could someone perhaps
>> clarify where I've gone wrong? Thanks for your time; I've read the
>> documentation on booking trades several times but I'm afraid I can't make
>> sense of this error.
>> 2013-11-27 open Assets:AU:Coinjar:BTC  BTC
>> 2013-11-27 open Assets:AU:Coinjar:Cash AUD
>> 2013-11-27 open Assets:AU:ColdStorage:BTC BTC
>> 2013-11-27 * "Buy BTC"
>>   Assets:AU:Coinjar:BTC                         0.14161 BTC
>> {1059.247228303085940258456324 AUD}
>>   Assets:AU:Coinjar:Cash                     -150.00 AUD
>> 2013-11-29 * "Buy BTC"
>>   Assets:AU:Coinjar:BTC                         0.118776 BTC
>> {1262.881390179834309961608406 AUD}
>>   Assets:AU:Coinjar:Cash                     -150.00 AUD
>> 2013-12-10 * "Buy BTC"
>>   Assets:AU:Coinjar:BTC                         0.149156 BTC
>> {1005.658505189197886776261096 AUD}
>>   Assets:AU:Coinjar:Cash                     -150.00 AUD
>> 2013-12-17 * "Buy BTC"
>>   Assets:AU:Coinjar:BTC                         0.673358 BTC
>> {742.5470552068884605217432629 AUD}
>>   Assets:AU:Coinjar:Cash                     -500.00 AUD
>> 2013-12-19 * "Buy BTC"
>>   Assets:AU:Coinjar:BTC                         0.230398 BTC
>> {651.0473181190808947994340229 AUD}
>>   Assets:AU:Coinjar:Cash                     -150.00 AUD
>> 2014-01-05 * "Deposit Cold storage"
>>   Assets:AU:ColdStorage:BTC                     1.0 BTC
>>   Assets:AU:Coinjar:BTC                        -1.0 BTC
>> ; The following tx now throws an error though it is syntactically
>> identical to the
>> ; purchases above. Why?
>> 2014-01-28 * "Buy BTC"
>>   Assets:AU:Coinjar:BTC                         0.162288 BTC
>> {924.2827565808932268559597752 AUD}
>>   Assets:AU:Coinjar:Cash                     -150.00 AUD
>> --
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