Thanks to a new response!topic/beancount/Qvbcq-Sk5NY I've just 
found some new information to read through. This is exactly my issue!

On Saturday, August 11, 2018 at 5:15:08 PM UTC-7, Amos Kyler wrote:
> Hey all! New to Beancount here, loving it so far. I've gotten pretty much 
> all of my finances in order using the excellent documentation and reading 
> through this forum.
> I've got a question about handling the transfer of commodities purchased 
> at cost. I'm getting an error in one of the following transactions, and 
> would love some advice on how to approach what I'm trying to do.
> 2017-01-01 open Assets:Crypto:US:Exchange:BTC BTC "FIFO"
> 2017-01-01 open Assets:Crypto:Wallet:BTC BTC "FIFO"
> 2017-01-01 * "Exchange Purchase" "Buy BTC"
> Assets:US:Checking -1500.00 USD
> Assets:Crypto:US:Exchange:BTC 1.00 BTC {1500.00 USD}
> 2017-01-02 * "Tranfer To Wallet" "Transfer BTC"
> Assets:Crypto:US:Exchange:BTC -0.5 BTC
> Assets:Crypto:Wallet:BTC 0.5 BTC
> 2017-01-03 * "Exchange Purchase" "Buy BTC"
> Assets:US:Checking -1000.00 USD
> Assets:Crypto:US:Exchange:BTC 0.50 BTC {2000 USD}
> In this example, the third transaction throws the following error:
> [Beancount] No position matches 
> "Posting(account='Assets:Crypto:US:Exchange:BTC', units=0.50 BTC, 
> cost=CostSpec(number_per=Decimal('2000'), number_total=None, 
> currency='USD', date=None, label=None, merge=False), price=None, flag=None, 
> meta={'filename': '/Home/beancount/crypto.bean', 'lineno': 127})" against 
> balance (-0.5 BTC, 1.00 BTC {1500.00 USD, 2017-01-01})
> I don't fully understand why this is the error being generated, but I 
> believe I understand the underlying issue. Beancount does not deduct from 
> lots in Assets:Crypto:US:Exchange:BTC and create identical lots in the 
> transfer account Assets:Crypto:Wallet:BTC. So cost basis is lost when 
> moving commodities account to account.
> The third transaction does not fail if the second transaction is removed 
> or represented as a sale, and a re-purchase in the other account.
> This kind of transaction is commonplace as moving cryptos out of exchanges 
> and into wallets is the standard. Cost basis is determined by the exchange 
> transaction however, but should still apply to the same holdings in a 
> different account. What kind of strategy should I be using here to 
> correctly calculate gains/losses over time?
> Thanks,
> Amos

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