On Wed, Aug 29, 2018 at 8:49 AM Justus Pendleton <justu...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Friday, August 24, 2018 at 11:15:02 AM UTC+7, Martin Blais wrote:
>> However, ETF issuers always provide some way for you to download the
>> detailed list of holdings since they're marketing to the investor, they're
>> trying to convince you to use those as investment vehicles. Like those
>> websites, I think they might charge institutions for data access because
>> they often make it a real pain to scrape those lists of holding (lots of
>> JavaScript with ugly URLs and such, basically not easy at all).
> They aren't charging for access to the data :)
> All ETFs & mutual funds (and hedge funds, for that matter) are required to
> file their holdings with the SEC on a regular basis in their quarterly N-Q
> filing ("Quarterly Schedule of portfolio holdings of management
> investment companies"). All of these are available for free on Edgar
> (though Edgar is...not easy to use). The format is an XML thing. Here's one
> for Vanguard:
> https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/36405/000093247118006124/0000932471-18-006124.txt
> It isn't perfect for your needs, since, e.g. there is no "ticker symbol"
> and the company name looks pretty free-form to me. It also isn't exactly
> "well structured" XML. It is more like HTML tables (including page breaks)
> stuffed inside of an XML container. But it might be easier than trying to
> navigate the different provider websites.

Interesting! Thanks for the pointer Justus. I wasn't aware they were
required to file the list of holdings in that way.

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