
Is there a way in bean-query to specify custom rate ranges e.g "last 30 
days". I tried to that with the following query, but get the following 

beancount> select * where (today() - date) < 30 limit 1
Traceback (most recent call last):
line 214, in onecmd
    func = getattr(self, 'do_' + cmd)
AttributeError: 'BQLShell' object has no attribute 'do_select'

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/beancount/query/shell.py", 
line 270, in run_parser
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/beancount/query/shell.py", 
line 250, in dispatch
    return method(statement)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/beancount/query/shell.py", 
line 418, in on_Select
line 275, in execute_query
    if c_where is None or c_where(context):
line 121, in __call__
    return self.operator(self.left(context), self.right(context))
line 121, in __call__
    return self.operator(self.left(context), self.right(context))
line 213, in <lambda>
    f = lambda x, y: Decimal(x - y)
TypeError: conversion from datetime.timedelta to Decimal is not supported

I understand what's going on, I think. The EvalSub function in 
query_compile.py assumes the result to be Decimal, when "<date> - <date>" 
results in datetime.timedelta

class EvalSub(EvalBinaryOp):

    def __init__(self, left, right):
        f = lambda x, y: Decimal(x - y)
        super().__init__(f, left, right, Decimal)

Do you know if there is already any way to write queries of this type? This 
will be super useful is writing queries in the main beancount file (using 
the query directive) without needing to adjust the date directives every 

If there isn't, I wonder if we can implement such a feature. The way I see 
it, since beancount quantizes time by the day, I feel like these functions 
are easily defined:

   - "<date> - <date>" should return the days. For example, '2018-01-01' - 
   '2017-01-01' = 365 etc.
   - "<date> +/- <int> should add/subtract days from the date. For example, 
   '2018-01-01' + 1 = '2018-01-02' etc.

I see two ways of actually implementing it:

   1. Add checks for the types of input to EvalSub/EvalMul etc methods in 
   query_compile.py. If both the first and second is date parameter for 
   EvalSub, extract the days from the result (<timedelta>.days); Else if the 
   first or second argument is of type date, convert the non-date param to a 
   2. Add new "simple functions" to the bean-query shell in query_shell.py. 
   They can be called date_diff(date, date) and date_adjust(date, int) - or 
   whatever else you feel works better. This is probably cleaner and easier.

Also, I can certainly help implement this if you need.


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