I've been using padding to account for errors in my accounts and bank, for 
example for transactions which I may have forgotten but are small enough 
that I don't want to hunt for them. Usually, this goes along the lines of:

2023-12-04 pad Assets:Checking Equity:Adjustments
2023-12-05 balance Assets:Checking 1000 USD

whenever I want to check an account in beancount with my bank. I'm also 
using plugins which manipulate the transactions. However, beancount loads 
the padding plugin (ops.pad) before my custom plugins in PLUGINS_PRE(see 
beancount/loader.py), which leads to padding the accounts with values 
before manipulation by my plugin. Since the balance directive is in 
PLUGINS_POST, this leads to an error. For an example, see the following 
beancount file and plugin file:

; file: temp.beancount
option "operating_currency" "USD"
option "insert_pythonpath" "True"
plugin "plugin_temp"

2020-01-01 open Equity:Adjustments
2020-01-01 open Assets:Checking          USD
2020-01-01 open Expenses:Groceries

2023-01-01 pad Assets:Checking Equity:Adjustments
2023-01-02 balance Assets:Checking 1000 USD

2023-02-01 * "Eggs"
    Expenses:Groceries          100 USD

2023-03-01 pad Assets:Checking Equity:Adjustments
2023-03-02 balance Assets:Checking 700 USD

; file: plugin_temp.py in the same directory

from beancount.core import data

__plugins__ = ('plugin_temp',)

def plugin_temp(entries, unused_options_map):
    new_entries = list(e for e in data.filter_txns(entries) if e.flag == 
    return new_entries + entries, []

With bean-check, this gives the error
Balance failed for 'Assets:Checking': expected 700 USD != accumulated 600 
USD (100 too little)

   2023-03-02 balance Assets:Checking                                 700 

Is there a particular reason ops.pad is in PLUGINS_PRE and not in 
PLUGINS_POST? Putting ops.pad in PLUGINS_POST seems to solve this issue.

Also, it seems that issue 
https://groups.google.com/g/beancount/c/bMo9A6lM9Z4/m/egj3rGBMBAAJ is still 
unsolved. This also affects my above workflow, but I'm presently easily 
sidestepping it by not using padding on an account where I do balance 

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