So now I'm wondering, since I've got a handful of purely custom importers
and a whole bunch of new importers to write next quarter, what does the
preponderance of the community use and why? I've heard of Red's importers,
beancount-import, and now beangulp. I know there's others. I haven't looked
at any of them personally yet because I'll need to package them for my
niche linux distro first (NixOS has *some downsides*).

Just looking at the github repos:

   1. beangulp was written by the same guy that wrote beancount itself (Hi
   Martin!) so I would expect it to integrate very well.
   2. beancount-import has a web UI, which seems like a very useful tool
   for verifying all this automation (especially for expense categorization,
   which I'm skeptical can *ever* be particularly reliable)
   3. red's importers has the most active community by far, and seems to
   focus heavily on a "run the script every time you look at the reports"

I don't have unit tests on my importers, and I'm importing from CSV's
because I just got the simplest thing working. It's a KISS
<> setup that's exactly as
messy as it sounds. So given that I need to do an overhaul anyways, I'm
curious why, for example, James doesn't use red's scripts.

Is it just that a fully automated setup is harder to build? The peace of
mind from looking at the web UI to verify stuff?

Timothy Jesionowski

On Mon, May 20, 2024 at 11:48 AM James Cook <> wrote:

> On Mon, May 20, 2024 at 03:33:15AM GMT, Felipe Flores wrote:
> >Hey all, came here to express some gratitude for all the work you guys are
> >doing. I've been using beancount with fava to manage all my finances down
> >to the dollar for the last year or so, and I absolutely love it.
> >
> >Just wanted to add that I just migrated a bunch of importers to beangulp,
> >and it was way easier than I expected. Wonderful job there. The whole
> >reason I tried it out is that I spent a couple hours pulling my hair
> trying
> >to connect a debugger to my regression tests to no avail. With beangulp,
> >however, I just had to tell the debugger config to launch the file with
> >args (one of identify, generate, test, etc) and it worked just like that!
> >I'd even suggest you guys advertise this as a feature!
> >
> >If anyone stumbles upon this thread wondering whether they should move
> over
> >to beangulp: do it. It's an easy migration, and they've even added an
> >ImporterProtocol class that will make the transition even smoother.
> >
> >Thanks again!
> In case people haven't heard of it, I've been quite happy with
> beancount-import:
> I have not tried beangulp, so I don't know how they compare. But I
> will mention beancount-import:
> - Has a web interface letting me quickly categorize transactions
>    (i.e. choose which account my money went to).
> - Chooses the right account automatically most the time (maybe 95%),
>    so mostly in this web interface I'm just pressing enter to confirm
>    each transaction. To do this, it trains a model based on transactions
>    already in my beancount ledger.
> - Adds metadata to imported transactions to keep track of where they
>    came from (e.g. a transaction ID from an ofx file). This lets me
>    (a) not worry about whether or not I've imported something (e.g. when
>    I export from my bank, I just replace my existing ofx download with
>    a new one covering a longer time range) and (b) see a list of
>    postings I've entered manually that don't correspond to anything
>    imported (a sign something went wrong). This is my favourite
>    feature and I wonder if beangulp has something similar.
> - Also, I have been able to write my own custom importer including
>    unit tests without much difficulty.
> --
> James
> --
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