First off, thanks for helping me, I really appreciate it.

I'm printing out the @Draw using this code:

foreach my $item (@Draw){

my @foo = split(/\|/, $item);

my $rowColor;

if ($counter == 7){
$rowColor = "#c0c0c0";
$rowColor = "#ffffff";

print "<tr bgcolor='$rowColor'>\n";
     print "\t<td>$counter</td>\n";

     print qq{\t<td><a href="$foo[3]" target="_new">$foo[1]</a></td>\n};

     print "\t<td><input type='checkbox' name='PlayedCheckbox' 

     print "\t<td><input type='checkbox' name='discardCardsCheckbox' 

print "</tr>\n";


The above code works great when the @Draw is populated from my text file 
(which happens "pre-submission").  However, when the form is submitted, I 
only get the first record of @Draw.

This code below is what I'm using to populate the textarea which passes 
'drawHidden' (which is what populates the @Draw "post-submission").  Note 
that if you erase a line or two from the textarea, that is correctly 
reflected upon submission.  However, I'm still just managing to write out 
the very first record of @Draw, and not all of the records.  Does that make 
any sense?

print "<textarea rows='10' cols='80' name='drawHidden'>";
foreach (@Draw){
print $_;
print "</textarea>";

So I guess my newest question is, what am I doing wrong to only print out 
the first record of @Draw?

This is where you can see my mess in action 8^)

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