On Fri, Jan 21, 2005 at 09:43:40AM -0500, Chad Gard wrote:
> I have a CGI that generates a page from data in a database.  I want to 
> include several graphs of data in the page.
> I can use GD::Graph to create the images.  But, the data sets are 
> rather large/awkward to try to send off to another CGI that I could use 
> with the IMG tag, and I really don't want to write images to files on 
> disk. 

How about passing it the data it needs to make a suitable database

> I'd like to be able to embed the image data directly in the 
> output of the one CGI.

This isn't really practical.

> I have found an offhand reference to embedding the image data in an 
> OBJECT tag (in Perl Graphics Programming, page 374 of the first 
> edition).  But cannot find any information about how to actually go 
> about doing that.

This? http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2397.html

Browser support isn't very good, Internet Explorer doesn't support it
(for instance).

David Dorward                                      http://dorward.me.uk

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