On Wed, Apr 13, 2005 at 05:14:31PM -0300, Sergio Pires de Albuquerque wrote:

> Thanks, but when I call another script from script1.cgi the value has 
> gone

HTTP is stateless. Each time a user requests an HTTP resource provided
by a script, that script is run from scratch. If you want to make data
persistent from one HTTP request to another, you either have to get
the browser to pass it back (by encoding the data in the URL
(typically with the query string, or (with the help of a form) in a
POST request - either way it can be accessed with the param method of
the CGI module), or by storing it on the server and asking the client
to pass a token about (typically in a Cookie) to identify which set of
data belongs to the user (this is usually done with sessions:
http://search.cpan.org/~sherzodr/CGI-Session-3.95/Session.pm )

David Dorward                                      http://dorward.me.uk

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