On Fri, Aug 19, 2005 at 10:58:24AM +0200, Adriano Allora wrote:

> Some questions:
> 1) how can I write multine comments? something like /** ... **/?

You can fake it with POD. I juse use a decent editor that lets me
comment out a every line in a region.
> 2) the following script doesn't find the page requested in getstore 
> (baolian.local = Why?

The second parameter for getstore is a file, not a URL.

> 3) $homepage must be a real page/file or I can use it like a normal 
> variable or a filehandle to read with whlie(<>)?

The documentation doesn't say, but usually a module which takes a file
can take either a filename or a filehandle.

If your only intention is to read it, then you might be better off
with get() instead of getstore().

David Dorward                                      http://dorward.me.uk

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