On Mon, 2006-04-10 at 10:02 +0500, Sara wrote:
> Calling the categories starting with PHP and Perl didn't cause any issue, but 
> when I called the Categories
> starting with C_and_C++, nothing was shown because CGI.pm was removing the 
> characters ++.

> I replaced the All ++ in the mySQL database with ASCII &#43&#43, so now the 
> categories are in the DB are:
> C_and_C&#43&#43/Ad_Management

The "+" character has no special meaning in HTML, so you don't need to
represent it with HTML entities unless it doesn't exist in the character
encoding you are using (which is unlikely).

> And now when I am calling the script:
> http://mysite.com/cgi-bin/index.cgi?cat=C_and_C++/Ad_Management

However, the "+" character _does_ have special meaning in URLs - it
represents a space character. You should URL encode the data you pull
from the database. The URI::Escape module can help with this.

David Dorward                           <http://dorward.me.uk/>
"Anybody remotely interesting is mad, in some way or another."
                             -- The Greatest Show in the Galaxy

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