Still cannot see why Perl complains that  Could not open file for reading.
File or directory does exist.
I have modified my script and now using Getopt::Long module instead of the
@ARGV variable. Can someone take a look?

The script is now run with command line options like this:
myscript --master --compare file_name --compare another_file

Here is a section of the script

use strict;
use warnings;
#use diagnostics;
use Getopt::Long;

use constant DEFAULT_REPORTDIR => ".\\compare_report";

my $master_list = "";
my @compare_lists = "";
my $help = "";

Getopt::Long::Configure ("ignorecase");

 "master=s" => \$master_list,
 "compare:s" => [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 "help|?!" => \$help,

usage() if $help;
@compare_lists = split(' ',join(' ',@compare_lists));
foreach (@compare_lists){
 die "File $_ does not exist or it's empty. Please check the file try
again.\n" unless -s $_;

#foreach (@compare_lists){print "$_\n";} # This prints the CLI arguments

my $outputdir = DEFAULT_REPORTDIR;
unless (-d $outputdir){
 mkdir ($outputdir) or die "could not create dir for $outputdir: $!\n";

# Read the master list and populate our array.
open (MASTERFILE, "<", $master_list) or die "Could not open $master_list for
reading: $!\n";
my @master_clients = <MASTERFILE>;
#print "master list starts below:\n";
#foreach (@master_clients){print "$_\n";}exit;
my (%inputclient,$list);

# Read the other files and compare the content to the master client list.
foreach $list (@compare_lists){
 # Output file name set of element curerently processed.
 # Open file to read from.
 open(INPUTFH, "<", $list) or die "Could not open $list for reading:
$!\n"; # Could
not open file for reading. File or directory does exist.
 while (<INPUTFH>){
   $inputclient{"s_"} = $_;
 close INPUTFH;

 #$outputfile = "NOT_IN" . "$outputfile";
 my $outputfile = $list;
 my (@missing_clients, %outputclient);

 open (OUTPUTFILE, ">", $outputfile) || die "Could not open $outputfile:
 foreach my $aditem (@master_clients){
  push (@missing_clients, $aditem) unless exists $inputclient{"$aditem"};

 On 29/05/2008, Mimi Cafe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  I am on Windows so it should not be case-sensitive. The script and all
>> required files in one folder. I pass 3 arguments to the script (
>> file1 file2 file3)and I can open the first file stored in $ARGV[0] as seen
>> below:
>> my $ad_clients = shift @ARGV;
>> open (ADFILE, "<", $ad_clients) or die "Could not open $ad_clients for
>> reading: $! \n"; # This works fine!
>> my @ad_clients = <ADFILE>;
>> close ADFILE;
>> my %inputclient;
>> foreach my $supplied (@ARGV){
>> open (INPUTFILE, "<", $supplied) or die "Could not open $supplied for
>> reading: $!\n # This does not works! Error: No such file or directory
> Mimi
>> On 29/05/2008, Ken Foskey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>  On Thu, 2008-05-29 at 11:45 +0100, Mimi Cafe wrote:
>>> my script is in the same directory as my files, but it cannot find the file
>>> ABC.txt in open() below.
>>> foreach my $supplied (@ARGV){
>>>  # Output file name set of element currently processed.
>>>  # Open file to read from.
>>>  open (INPUTFILE, "<", "$supplied") or die "Could not open $supplied: $!\n";
>>> # Error: No such file or directory.
>>> }
>>> Any help
>>> Mimi
>>> for starters you might want to look at the <> operator:
>>> while( <> ) {
>>> }
>>> Will read each file on the command line in sequence, saves you thinking
>>> about it.
>>> If it is Unix it is case sensitive,  is this your problem?
>>> Are you actually in the directory?   `bin/ bin/ABC.txt`

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