
I will be developing a database backed CGI application and now looking into
CPAN modules to use. Now my idea is to find people who have experience using
the modules I am considering to hear their opinion. For instance, I normally
write a subroutine which prints the overall layout of all my pages, so each
time I need to sent a page to the user I call the subroutine to pass some
values to print the page (see example):

sub print_layout {
$x = @_;
print   # print html header here
print "$x\n";

print # print html footer here

Now I read of CGI::Fast, CGI::Simple and Mason. Question, are these modules
easy to understand and use? Sometimes it take too long to get a module
installed and ready to use, and then comes the documentation etc. Can
someone who has experience with Fast CGI, CGI::Simple or Mason comment on
these? I had a quick look at CGI::Simple docs and it looks almost like the
standard CGI module by Lincoln Stein, so why should this be use?
CGI::Session also looks like Apache::Session.

My application attract lot of traffic and should grow very fast, so I am
looking to plan properly now in order to increase maintainability in the

The web site will generate thumbnails on the fly and speed is crucial due to
high traffic. Any suggestion from experienced CGI developers will
be appreciated.


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