dear readers,

i recently finished a small perl-cgi download script that sends files
after some checks and logging. i call this script through a link on a
static html-page and pass the file-id as a parameter.

this all works nice so far, the part where i'm stuck at is that with
clicking on the link, the page containig the link is replaced by a
white blank page. i wonder how i could instead get either:
- the page containig the link stays, link is targeted to a new window
(minimal version)
- a new page is displayed containg something like 'thank you for
downloading... you download should start now...' (deluxe solution)

for the minimal version, i thought putting a simple 'target="_blank"'
into the link should do what i want (only tested with firefox 3.0 so
far). this indeed works, but the focus changes to the popping up new
blank tab and further, this tab stays open after the file is
transferred. i remember having seen this differently on the web.

for the deluxe verson i think i somehow need to send out two headers,
one of type 'application/x-download' (for the file) and another of
type 'text/html' (for the page).
but how would i do this? i'm afraid that the second header (whichever)
will not get recognized as a second document but be embedded into the
first. i guess a short sleep between the first and the second header
won't do it...

thanks for help and suggestions in advance,
regards, shnaxe

ps: well, i am unsure if this would have been better posted to another
group (but which) since its maybe not a pure perl-question. i got to
admit that from my point of knowledge, the solution to the problem i
described seems to be somewhere on a blurry line between perl/cgi and

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