marys wrote:


Does anyone know how to use ‘awk’ in a script?

perl and awk have a lot of similar features so its usually preferable to use perl in a perl program instead of awk.

It must have a
different syntax than the unix analog, as does the ‘grep’ command.
For grep, the syntax in the c-shell is:
“grep ‘string’ ,

It's the same in every shell because grep is a standalone command.

man grep

but for Perl the delimiters are slashes: $x = grep /
string/ line.

That's because in perl grep is a built-in function.

Maybe the same thing is going on with Perl.

I have searched the following sources with no help on awk:

perldoc  -f   ‘awk’
‘Beginning Perl’ by S. Cozen
and the O’Reilly books:
‘Learning Perl’ aka the llama book
‘Intemediate Perl’
‘Advanced Perl’
‘CGI Programming with Perl’

man awk

I have a file called /tmp/file.txt with one line:

field       xxxx

for grepping on xxxx, the script is:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
use CGI qw(:standard -no_xhtml);
#use CGI ':standard';
use strict;
use diagnostics;
my $q = new CGI;
print $q->header;
print $q->start_html(-title=>"mygrep");

my @infile;
my $q = new CGI;
open (FILEIN, "/tmp/file.txt") or die "Can't open /tmp/file.txt for
reading: $!\n!";
open (FILEOUT, ">/tmp/out.txt") or die "Can't open /tmp/out.txt for
writing: $!\n!";
system "chmod 755 /tmp/out.txt";

perldoc -f chmod

chmod 0755 '/tmp/out.txt' or warn "Cannot chmod '/tmp/out.txt' $!";

while ( defined(my $line=<FILEIN>) ){

In a while loop conditional defined() is implied for a readline.

     push (@infile,$line);

Or more simply:

chomp( my @infile = <FILEIN> );

my @zoom = grep(/xxxx/,@infile);          #looks for 'xxxx' in @infile

Why didn't you just test for /xxxx/ in the while loop, then you wouldn't need two arrays?

foreach (@zoom){
        print $q->center($q->h3("\nNext line containing 'xxxx' is:
        $q->h3("_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _")  );

Or print this as you found /xxxx/ in the while loop and you wouldn't need either array?

print $q->center($q->h2(" grep program is finished!\n"));

grep is a built-in Perl funtion, not an external program.

perldoc -f grep

The script works as it should for grep, but what if I want to output
$NF (=xxxx) when a line has the string  ‘field’ in it?  There must be
a way, but I can't find it.

What does $NF contain? I would guess that you want the line number where /xxxx/ was found? If so:

while ( my $line = <FILEIN> ) {
    next unless /xxxx/;
    print $q->center(
        $q->h3( "\nNext line containing 'xxxx' is:\n" ),
        $q->h3( $_ ),
        $q->h3( "At line number: $." ),
        $q->h3( '_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _' )

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can special-order certain sorts of tools at low cost and
in short order.                            -- Larry Wall

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