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Mike Williams wrote:
>> I have tried that and when I tried to call up a div object, in my css
>> (is attached) called leftcolumn, instead of getting a navy blue column
>> on the left side of the page it is just white.
> Did you  perhaps  use  'div class='leftcolumn'   ?
> That will not work with your stylesheet.
> div id='leftcolumn'  *will* work
> Here is a little cgi program that uses CGI.pm and your style sheet to print
> a some stuff in a blue column on the left side of the screen:
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> use warnings;
> use strict;
> use CGI;
> my $q = CGI->new();
> print $q->header(), $q->start_html(-title=>"list msg test",
> -style=>{'src'=>'/css/se.css'}),
>       '<div id="leftcolumn">';
> for (my $i = 1; $i < 26; $i++) {
>     print $q->br("blue column line $i");
> }
> print '</div>', $q->end_html();

I have tried div id but they way I tried it was different, this is how I
tried it

print "<div id="leftcolumn">";
print "Some information";
print "</div>";

I guess that I was doing something wrong because it is working now thank
you for the help

>> - From what I see in the tutorial,
>> http://template-toolkit.org/docs/tutorial/Web.html#section_Dynamic_Content_Generation_Via_CGI_Script
>> ,
>> the Templete Toolkit only outputs information from the script, but I
>> need it to handle input as well, my script I am working on is a
>> guestbook so it needs to get the name of the guest and a message then
>> output it, as well as save it to a log for later use by the script.
>> Everything works but the plain white background is ugly and doesn't
>> match the rest of my site which is why I started this thread.
> You seem to be under the mistaken impression that you cannot get input using
> CGI.pm or Template::Toolkit.
> That is incorrect, either of those tools allow you to generate forms that
> can be used to get input from the user.
> If you look at perldoc CGI the very first screen contains an example of how
> to generate a form.

I know how to generate forms with CGI which is where I have been putting
my forms, but I didn't think that Template::toolkit could generate a
form and pass the information off to the script for processing.

> Hope this helps,
> Mike

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