On Thu, Jan 1, 2009 at 12:03 AM, Adam Jimerson <vend...@charter.net> wrote:
> I'm trying to make my script verify a email address that a user has given to
> it.  I have installed and using Email::Valid but it doesn't seem to be
> working for it allowed this as a email address:
> test
> The way that I have it checking is by this:
> eval {
>                my $addr = Email::Valid->address( -address => "$email",
>                -mxcheck => 1);
> };

What are you expecting to happen?  Email::Valid will throw an
exception if *it* encounters an error.
Finding an invalid address is not an error for Email::Valid.  That's its job ;-)

$addr will be undefined if the email address is valid.
If the email address is valid $addr will contain the validated email address.

I tried your code and it worked for me.

You probably want to move the definition of $addr to *before* the eval
if you want to test it after the eval.  Otherwise the scope of the
scalar $addr is only within brackets of the eval.

#my $email = 'drumm...@gmail.com';
my $email = 'test';
my $addr;

eval {
    $addr = Email::Valid->address( -address => "$email",
                                      -mxcheck => 1);

print "valid address ($addr)\n" if $addr;
print "Invalid address ($email)\n" unless $addr;

Here's the output from two test runs, alternately commenting out the
two addresses above:
$ ./email_list_test.pl
valid address (drumm...@gmail.com)
$ ./email_list_test.pl
Invalid address (test)

Happy New Year,


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