Ah, mod-perl....{{{ shudder }}}.


I think there's a bunch of relevant code we're not seeing.  Without having been 
set prior, I don't believe $apache->content_type will return the right header 
in this situation because it relies on file extension and will typically fail 
to "text/html". Just for debugging purposes, have you tried simply changing the 
code to:


>>Thanx for all the replies.
>>I must say this list is quite slow compared to others.
>>Matthew is correct. I used the FF live-headers add-on and the section
>>for the /images/showImage.html was Content-Type text/html.
>>As for how the page is generated and images displayed, it's a bit
>>involved. The whole application is a mod_perl wrapper and templating
>>system. The showImage.html page is one line that reads as follows:
>><%- httpContentType('image/jpeg')%><%= ModName::outputImage(
>>I have tried to go throught the code and find out what sub-class the
>>httpContentType is but my efforts to hack the code and force the correct
>>content_type have failed. cgiParma is a sub-class of CGI.
>>I'm in a pickle because the consequences of this bug are far-reaching.
>>I'm not in a position to throw out the whole mod_perl application and I
>>can't think of a way to serve the content that is not htmh from another
>>Below is an extract from the mod_perl handler that should be setting the
>>content type, I have commented out my hack as it didn't work ;-(
>>sub handler
>>    {
>>    my($apache)=...@_;
>>    my $asperl;
>>    if($apache->dir_config('ProjectName') &&
>>        defined($OBJECT{$apache->dir_config('ProjectName')}) &&
>>        ref($OBJECT{$apache->dir_config('ProjectName')}))
>>        {
>>        $asperl=$OBJECT{$apache->dir_config('ProjectName')};
>>        }
>>    else
>>        {
>>        $asperl=$OBJECT{"DEFAULT"};
>>        }
>>    if($apache->dir_config("ServerPort"))
>>        {
>>        $ENV{"SERVER_PORT"}=80;
>>        }
>>    my $data;
>>    # initialise the ASPerl object for this request
>>    my $fname=$apache->filename();
>>    $asperl->{"Request"}=$apache;
>>    # finish initialising the ASPerl object
>>    if(handleThisRequest($asperl,$fname))
>>        {
>>        # we've decided that we want to handle this, so run it through
>>the ASPerl engine.
>>        $asperl->{"ReturnCode"}=OK;
>>        $asperl->{"CGI"}=new CGI;
>>#        my %media_hacks = (
>>#            'showImage.html'     => 'image/jpeg',
>>#        );
>>#        if (exists $media_hacks{basename($fname)}) {
>>#            print STDERR "Forcing content_type to
>>#            $asperl->setContentType($media_hacks{basename($fname)});
>>#            $asperl->{'Request'}->content_type(
>>$media_hacks{basename($fname)} );
>>#            $asperl->{'Request'}->header_out( "Content-Type"
>>=>$media_hacks{basename($fname)} );
>>#        }
>>#        else {
>>#            print STDERR "The current type for request to $fname is
>>".$apache->content_type()." The ASPerl is
>>#            print STDERR "ContentType for $fname is now
>>            #       }
>>            $asperl->setContentType($apache->content_type());
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