OS : mac 10.10.1 Yosemite
Perl version : 5.16.0 (perlbrew)
I have file cp.cgi that is the top level
It uses CP.pm
which inherits Base.pm
which inherits CGI::Application
CGI::Application Requires CGI.pm
CGI.pm has a use CGI::Util qw(… unescape …);

When I try and run cp.cgi I get a timeout.
The erro log only tells me that I get a timeout
[Tue Nov 25 09:13:53.677383 2014] [cgi:warn] [pid 461] [client ::1:63053] 
AH01220: Timeout waiting for output from CGI script 
/Library/WebServer/Documents/cportal/html/cp.cgi, referer: 

when I try and run it from the command line : perl cp.cgi
I get
<h1>Software error:</h1>
<pre>Undefined subroutine CGI::unescape
 line 1951.
For help, please send mail to this site's webmaster, giving this error message
and the time and date of the error.

[Tue Nov 25 09:34:59 2014] cp.cgi: Undefined subroutine CGI::unescape
[Tue Nov 25 09:34:59 2014] cp.cgi:  at 
 line 1951.

unescape exists in CGI::Util.pm and is exported.

When I put a Dumper \%INC I get: Making sure that I wasn’t mixing too many 

'CGI/Application.pm'  => 
'CGI/Application/Plugin/Redirect.pm'  => 
'CGI/Application/Plugin/TT.pm'  => 
'CGI/Application/Plugin/ValidateRM.pm'  => 
'CGI/Application/Plugin/LogDispatch.pm'  => 
'CGI/Carp.pm'  => 
'CGI/Application/Plugin/Config/YAML.pm'  => 
'CGI/Application/Plugin/DBH.pm'  => 
'CGI/Util.pm'  => 
'CGI/Application/Plugin/Forward.pm'  => 

unescape does not exist in Application, even though it tells me line 1951
%INC shows me that it is including the right file.
Util.pm is exporting
package CGI::Util;
use base 'Exporter';
require 5.008001;
use strict;
use if $] >= 5.019, 'deprecate';
our @EXPORT_OK = qw(rearrange rearrange_header make_attributes unescape escape
        expires ebcdic2ascii ascii2ebcdic);

our $VERSION = '4.09’;

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