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Today's Topics:

   1.  Ambiguous type error: multiparam class + type    alias (Baa)
   2. Re:  Ambiguous type error: multiparam class +     type alias
      (David McBride)
   3. Re:  Ambiguous type error: multiparam class + type alias (Baa)
   4. Re:  Ambiguous type error: multiparam class + type alias
      (Sylvain Henry)
   5. Re:  Ambiguous type error: multiparam class + type alias (Baa)


Message: 1
Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2017 18:50:38 +0300
From: Baa <>
To: The Haskell-Beginners Mailing List - Discussion of primarily
        beginner-level topics related to Haskell <>
Subject: [Haskell-beginners] Ambiguous type error: multiparam class +
        type    alias
Message-ID: <20170927185038.44cde600@Pavel>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

Hello, List!

The further - the more interesting... For example, I want own `Show` analogue,
which will be parameterized with type meaning "context"/"reason". So, to 
title of the value I will call:

  repr x::TitleRepr

or simple `Show`:

  repr x::ShowRepr


  repr x::Repr AsShow

etc. I try:

        {-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
        {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}

        data AsShow
        data AsTitle

        type Repr a = String

        class ReprC a b where
          repr :: a -> Repr b

        instance ReprC Int AsTitle where
          repr n = "a number " ++ show n

        main = do
          let n = 5 :: Int
          print $ (repr n :: Repr AsTitle)

and sure I get error:

     • Ambiguous type variable ‘b0’ arising from a use of ‘repr’
       prevents the constraint ‘(ReprC Int b0)’ from being solved.
       Probable fix: use a type annotation to specify what ‘b0’ should be.
       These potential instance exist:
         instance ReprC Int AsTitle
           -- Defined at .../.stack-work/intero/intero31144sPV.hs:12:10
     • In the second argument of ‘($)’, namely
         ‘(repr n :: Repr AsTitle)’
       In a stmt of a 'do' block: print $ (repr n :: Repr AsTitle)
       In the expression:
         do { let n = ...;
              print $ (repr n :: Repr AsTitle) } (intero)

Sure, I can use as `Repr` not type-alias but `newtype`. But in this
case I will need additional call (show/runRepr/coerce/etc.):

  coerce $ (repr x::AsTitle)

So, what is the reason that GHCI is see that `repr n` is `::Repr AsTitle`
(AsTitle!!) and says me that `b0` is ambigous?! It should know
what concreate `repr` I mean! :) If I use `newtype` - no problem, so I
suppose problem is in the type alias. It's not sterling type for such
goal, right?

Another question is: how to accomplish such goal, i.e. without to
make additional call (coerce/show/runRepr/etc) when `repr` will return
`String`, wrapped in newtype?

PS. Execuse such silly and training example. Actually, I planned to made
such class and to use it instead of `Show`. Sure, it can be splitted to
several classed (my current state) but.. example is to learn Haskell
and to understand my errors...

Best regards, Paul


Message: 2
Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2017 12:58:32 -0400
From: David McBride <>
To: The Haskell-Beginners Mailing List - Discussion of primarily
        beginner-level topics related to Haskell <>
Subject: Re: [Haskell-beginners] Ambiguous type error: multiparam
        class + type alias
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

The reason is because 'type' is a type alias that changes nothing code
wise, it is merely a visual clue to the reader of code that these two
types are the same.  You could replace 'Repr AsTitle' with 'String'
and you would get the exact same error.

That said I do think you can do what you want with type families, but
I'm not having luck giving you a complete solution at this time.  This
would be a good question to ask on stackoverflow if no one here gives
a satisfactory answer.  Here is the code I had that doesn't quite
work, although I'm not sure why.  Maybe you can figure it out.  I
would love to know.

{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, MultiParamTypeClasses #-}

data AsShow
data AsTitle

class Repr a b where
  type ReprC a b :: *
  repr :: a -> ReprC a b

instance Repr Int AsTitle where
  type ReprC Int AsTitle = String
  repr n = show n

main = do
   let n = 5 :: Int
   print $ (repr n)

On Wed, Sep 27, 2017 at 11:50 AM, Baa <> wrote:
> Hello, List!
> The further - the more interesting... For example, I want own `Show` analogue,
> which will be parameterized with type meaning "context"/"reason". So, to 
> represent
> title of the value I will call:
>   repr x::TitleRepr
> or simple `Show`:
>   repr x::ShowRepr
> or
>   repr x::Repr AsShow
> etc. I try:
>         {-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
>         {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
>         data AsShow
>         data AsTitle
>         type Repr a = String
>         class ReprC a b where
>           repr :: a -> Repr b
>         instance ReprC Int AsTitle where
>           repr n = "a number " ++ show n
>         main = do
>           let n = 5 :: Int
>           print $ (repr n :: Repr AsTitle)
> and sure I get error:
>      • Ambiguous type variable ‘b0’ arising from a use of ‘repr’
>        prevents the constraint ‘(ReprC Int b0)’ from being solved.
>        Probable fix: use a type annotation to specify what ‘b0’ should be.
>        These potential instance exist:
>          instance ReprC Int AsTitle
>            -- Defined at .../.stack-work/intero/intero31144sPV.hs:12:10
>      • In the second argument of ‘($)’, namely
>          ‘(repr n :: Repr AsTitle)’
>        In a stmt of a 'do' block: print $ (repr n :: Repr AsTitle)
>        In the expression:
>          do { let n = ...;
>               print $ (repr n :: Repr AsTitle) } (intero)
> Sure, I can use as `Repr` not type-alias but `newtype`. But in this
> case I will need additional call (show/runRepr/coerce/etc.):
>   coerce $ (repr x::AsTitle)
> So, what is the reason that GHCI is see that `repr n` is `::Repr AsTitle`
> (AsTitle!!) and says me that `b0` is ambigous?! It should know
> what concreate `repr` I mean! :) If I use `newtype` - no problem, so I
> suppose problem is in the type alias. It's not sterling type for such
> goal, right?
> Another question is: how to accomplish such goal, i.e. without to
> make additional call (coerce/show/runRepr/etc) when `repr` will return
> `String`, wrapped in newtype?
> PS. Execuse such silly and training example. Actually, I planned to made
> such class and to use it instead of `Show`. Sure, it can be splitted to
> several classed (my current state) but.. example is to learn Haskell
> and to understand my errors...
> ===
> Best regards, Paul
> _______________________________________________
> Beginners mailing list


Message: 3
Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2017 10:17:23 +0300
From: Baa <>
Subject: Re: [Haskell-beginners] Ambiguous type error: multiparam
        class + type alias
Message-ID: <20170928101723.0bbb02ba@Pavel>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

David, hello again!

Interesting is that class with one parameter is fine:

  class Repr a where
    type ReprAs a
    reprx :: a -> ReprAs a

  instance Repr Int where
    type ReprAs Int = Int
    reprx n = n

  main = do
    let n = 5 :: Int
    print $ (reprx n)

but when I added 2nd param, I get ambogouse error again:

  class Repr a b where
    type ReprAs a b
    repr :: a -> ReprAs a b

  instance Repr Int AsTitle where
    type ReprAs Int AsTitle = String
    repr n = show n

  main = do
    let n = 5 :: Int
    print $ (repr n::ReprAs Int AsTitle)

which looks the same as with type-alias: GHC says:

    30  12 error           error:
     • Couldn't match type ‘ReprAs Int b0’ with ‘String’
       Expected type: ReprAs Int AsTitle
         Actual type: ReprAs Int b0
       The type variable ‘b0’ is ambiguous
     • In the second argument of ‘($)’, namely
         ‘(repr n :: ReprAs Int AsTitle)’
       In a stmt of a 'do' block: print $ (repr n :: ReprAs Int AsTitle)
       In the expression:
         do { let n = ...;
              print $ (repr n :: ReprAs Int AsTitle) } (intero)

looks that `type ReprAs Int AsTitle` is treating type-alias and GHC can
not match resulting `String` with `ReprAs Int AsTitle`.

As I understand, the root of the problem is that class parameters are
not the same as in results' parameters (contraposition types) - they
turn out to be free/unbound (execuse my English).

For example, to avoid this problem in the class I added extension:

  {-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}

I don't know is a way in Haskell to say to reuse already bound class
parameters in "methods" bodies... I found this:

Another variant which is compiling (w/ func-deps):

  {-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
  {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}

  data AsShow
  data AsTitle

  type ReprAs a = String

  class Repr a b | a -> b where
    repr :: a -> ReprAs b

  instance Repr Int AsTitle where
    repr n = "a number '" ++ show n ++ "'"

  -- instance Repr Int AsShow where
  --   repr n = "a number '" ++ show n ++ "'"

  main = do
    let n = 5 :: Int
    print $ (repr n::ReprAs AsTitle)
    print $ (repr n::ReprAs AsShow)

but due to `a -> b` it's impossible to instantiate another `Repr Int`!
So, I think soultion is in:

  - func deps
  - or type families/associative types

But unfortunately my knowledge of Haskell is limited to find it. I see
only that I need to add another param to func dep of class - to
"extend" dependency which allows to determine result type not only on
one input argument's type...

Thanks David!

Best regards, Paul

> The reason is because 'type' is a type alias that changes nothing code
> wise, it is merely a visual clue to the reader of code that these two
> types are the same.  You could replace 'Repr AsTitle' with 'String'
> and you would get the exact same error.
> That said I do think you can do what you want with type families, but
> I'm not having luck giving you a complete solution at this time.  This
> would be a good question to ask on stackoverflow if no one here gives
> a satisfactory answer.  Here is the code I had that doesn't quite
> work, although I'm not sure why.  Maybe you can figure it out.  I
> would love to know.
> {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
> data AsShow
> data AsTitle
> class Repr a b where
>   type ReprC a b :: *
>   repr :: a -> ReprC a b
> instance Repr Int AsTitle where
>   type ReprC Int AsTitle = String
>   repr n = show n
> main = do
>    let n = 5 :: Int
>    print $ (repr n)
> On Wed, Sep 27, 2017 at 11:50 AM, Baa <> wrote:
> > Hello, List!
> >
> > The further - the more interesting... For example, I want own
> > `Show` analogue, which will be parameterized with type meaning
> > "context"/"reason". So, to represent title of the value I will call:
> >
> >   repr x::TitleRepr
> >
> > or simple `Show`:
> >
> >   repr x::ShowRepr
> >
> > or
> >
> >   repr x::Repr AsShow
> >
> > etc. I try:
> >
> >         {-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
> >         {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
> >
> >         data AsShow
> >         data AsTitle
> >
> >         type Repr a = String
> >
> >         class ReprC a b where
> >           repr :: a -> Repr b
> >
> >         instance ReprC Int AsTitle where
> >           repr n = "a number " ++ show n
> >
> >         main = do
> >           let n = 5 :: Int
> >           print $ (repr n :: Repr AsTitle)
> >
> > and sure I get error:
> >
> >      • Ambiguous type variable ‘b0’ arising from a use of ‘repr’
> >        prevents the constraint ‘(ReprC Int b0)’ from being solved.
> >        Probable fix: use a type annotation to specify what ‘b0’
> > should be. These potential instance exist:
> >          instance ReprC Int AsTitle
> >            -- Defined
> > at .../.stack-work/intero/intero31144sPV.hs:12:10 • In the second
> > argument of ‘($)’, namely ‘(repr n :: Repr AsTitle)’
> >        In a stmt of a 'do' block: print $ (repr n :: Repr AsTitle)
> >        In the expression:
> >          do { let n = ...;
> >               print $ (repr n :: Repr AsTitle) } (intero)
> >
> > Sure, I can use as `Repr` not type-alias but `newtype`. But in this
> > case I will need additional call (show/runRepr/coerce/etc.):
> >
> >   coerce $ (repr x::AsTitle)
> >
> > So, what is the reason that GHCI is see that `repr n` is `::Repr
> > AsTitle` (AsTitle!!) and says me that `b0` is ambigous?! It should
> > know what concreate `repr` I mean! :) If I use `newtype` - no
> > problem, so I suppose problem is in the type alias. It's not
> > sterling type for such goal, right?
> >
> > Another question is: how to accomplish such goal, i.e. without to
> > make additional call (coerce/show/runRepr/etc) when `repr` will
> > return `String`, wrapped in newtype?
> >
> >
> > PS. Execuse such silly and training example. Actually, I planned to
> > made such class and to use it instead of `Show`. Sure, it can be
> > splitted to several classed (my current state) but.. example is to
> > learn Haskell and to understand my errors...
> >
> >
> > ===
> > Best regards, Paul
> > _______________________________________________
> > Beginners mailing list
> >
> >  
> _______________________________________________
> Beginners mailing list


Message: 4
Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2017 11:12:35 +0200
From: Sylvain Henry <>
Subject: Re: [Haskell-beginners] Ambiguous type error: multiparam
        class + type alias
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed


The issue is that (Repr a ~ Repr b) doesn't imply (a ~ b). Indeed: 
forall a b. Repr a ~ String ~ Repr b

So given the type of `repr n`:
repr n :: forall b. ReprC Int b => Repr b

When you write:
repr n :: Repr AsTitle

You only add a constraint as follows:
repr n :: forall b. (Repr b ~ Repr AsTitle, ReprC Int b) => Repr b

But as we have seen, it doesn't imply (b ~ AsTitle) and b remains ambiguous.

A solution is to fix b explicitly with a type application:

{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
repr @_ @AsTitle n

Best regards,

On 27/09/2017 17:50, Baa wrote:
> Hello, List!
> The further - the more interesting... For example, I want own `Show` analogue,
> which will be parameterized with type meaning "context"/"reason". So, to 
> represent
> title of the value I will call:
>    repr x::TitleRepr
> or simple `Show`:
>    repr x::ShowRepr
> or
>    repr x::Repr AsShow
> etc. I try:
>       {-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
>       {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
>       data AsShow
>       data AsTitle
>       type Repr a = String
>       class ReprC a b where
>         repr :: a -> Repr b
>       instance ReprC Int AsTitle where
>         repr n = "a number " ++ show n
>       main = do
>         let n = 5 :: Int
>         print $ (repr n :: Repr AsTitle)
> and sure I get error:
>       • Ambiguous type variable ‘b0’ arising from a use of ‘repr’
>         prevents the constraint ‘(ReprC Int b0)’ from being solved.
>         Probable fix: use a type annotation to specify what ‘b0’ should be.
>         These potential instance exist:
>           instance ReprC Int AsTitle
>             -- Defined at .../.stack-work/intero/intero31144sPV.hs:12:10
>       • In the second argument of ‘($)’, namely
>           ‘(repr n :: Repr AsTitle)’
>         In a stmt of a 'do' block: print $ (repr n :: Repr AsTitle)
>         In the expression:
>           do { let n = ...;
>                print $ (repr n :: Repr AsTitle) } (intero)
> Sure, I can use as `Repr` not type-alias but `newtype`. But in this
> case I will need additional call (show/runRepr/coerce/etc.):
>    coerce $ (repr x::AsTitle)
> So, what is the reason that GHCI is see that `repr n` is `::Repr AsTitle`
> (AsTitle!!) and says me that `b0` is ambigous?! It should know
> what concreate `repr` I mean! :) If I use `newtype` - no problem, so I
> suppose problem is in the type alias. It's not sterling type for such
> goal, right?
> Another question is: how to accomplish such goal, i.e. without to
> make additional call (coerce/show/runRepr/etc) when `repr` will return
> `String`, wrapped in newtype?
> PS. Execuse such silly and training example. Actually, I planned to made
> such class and to use it instead of `Show`. Sure, it can be splitted to
> several classed (my current state) but.. example is to learn Haskell
> and to understand my errors...
> ===
> Best regards, Paul
> _______________________________________________
> Beginners mailing list


Message: 5
Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2017 13:25:09 +0300
From: Baa <>
Subject: Re: [Haskell-beginners] Ambiguous type error: multiparam
        class + type alias
Message-ID: <20170928132509.0ffcc173@Pavel>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

Hello, Sylvain. 

Your solution assumes that I need to pass `@_ @AsTitle` anywhere where I
call `repr`? So, instead of `repr n::AsTitle` or `repr n::Something AsTitle`
(depends on implementation) I'll write `repr @_ @AsTitle n`, right?

> You only add a constraint as follows:
> repr n :: forall b. (Repr b ~ Repr AsTitle, ReprC Int b) => Repr b

Yes... So, `b` is unbound/free type param. But I can bind it with func.
deps, yes?

Best regards, Paul

> But as we have seen, it doesn't imply (b ~ AsTitle) and b remains
> ambiguous.
> A solution is to fix b explicitly with a type application:
> {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
> ...
> repr @_ @AsTitle n
> Best regards,
> Sylvain
> On 27/09/2017 17:50, Baa wrote:
> > Hello, List!
> >
> > The further - the more interesting... For example, I want own
> > `Show` analogue, which will be parameterized with type meaning
> > "context"/"reason". So, to represent title of the value I will call:
> >
> >    repr x::TitleRepr
> >
> > or simple `Show`:
> >
> >    repr x::ShowRepr
> >
> > or
> >
> >    repr x::Repr AsShow
> >
> > etc. I try:
> >
> >     {-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
> >     {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
> >
> >     data AsShow
> >     data AsTitle
> >
> >     type Repr a = String
> >
> >     class ReprC a b where
> >       repr :: a -> Repr b
> >
> >     instance ReprC Int AsTitle where
> >       repr n = "a number " ++ show n
> >
> >     main = do
> >       let n = 5 :: Int
> >       print $ (repr n :: Repr AsTitle)
> >
> > and sure I get error:
> >
> >       • Ambiguous type variable ‘b0’ arising from a use of ‘repr’
> >         prevents the constraint ‘(ReprC Int b0)’ from being solved.
> >         Probable fix: use a type annotation to specify what ‘b0’
> > should be. These potential instance exist:
> >           instance ReprC Int AsTitle
> >             -- Defined
> > at .../.stack-work/intero/intero31144sPV.hs:12:10 • In the second
> > argument of ‘($)’, namely ‘(repr n :: Repr AsTitle)’
> >         In a stmt of a 'do' block: print $ (repr n :: Repr AsTitle)
> >         In the expression:
> >           do { let n = ...;
> >                print $ (repr n :: Repr AsTitle) } (intero)
> >
> > Sure, I can use as `Repr` not type-alias but `newtype`. But in this
> > case I will need additional call (show/runRepr/coerce/etc.):
> >
> >    coerce $ (repr x::AsTitle)
> >
> > So, what is the reason that GHCI is see that `repr n` is `::Repr
> > AsTitle` (AsTitle!!) and says me that `b0` is ambigous?! It should
> > know what concreate `repr` I mean! :) If I use `newtype` - no
> > problem, so I suppose problem is in the type alias. It's not
> > sterling type for such goal, right?
> >
> > Another question is: how to accomplish such goal, i.e. without to
> > make additional call (coerce/show/runRepr/etc) when `repr` will
> > return `String`, wrapped in newtype?
> >
> >
> > PS. Execuse such silly and training example. Actually, I planned to
> > made such class and to use it instead of `Show`. Sure, it can be
> > splitted to several classed (my current state) but.. example is to
> > learn Haskell and to understand my errors...
> >
> >
> > ===
> > Best regards, Paul
> > _______________________________________________
> > Beginners mailing list
> >
> >  
> _______________________________________________
> Beginners mailing list


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End of Beginners Digest, Vol 111, Issue 19

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