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Today's Topics:

   1. Re:  Hello (First message on the mailing list) (Lyndon Maydwell)


Message: 1
Date: Thu, 13 Feb 2020 15:25:21 +1100
From: Lyndon Maydwell <>
To: The Haskell-Beginners Mailing List - Discussion of primarily
        beginner-level topics related to Haskell <>
Subject: Re: [Haskell-beginners] Hello (First message on the mailing
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Hi Olivier,

I had a quick look, I think it's a great first try. Here are my thoughts!

module DivRusse where


  * This seems unsafe in that it doesn't handle negative numbers well.
  * This can be evidenced by needing a guard on our property.
  * Could be addressed by using a safe newtype.
  * Define properties and use quickcheck to test them.
  * Favor pattern-matching over use of `fst`, `snd`.
  * Use `where` over `let` to highlight what the final result is.
  * Rewrite folds to more wholemeal approach. e.g. `sum $ map snd
  * Use standard functions and composition to eliminate lambdas like this:
`(\(x, _) -> x `mod` 2 /= 0 )` = `(odd . fst)`.
  * `russmulList` could go into an infinite loop for negative numbers.
Either prevent this with types (preferred), or return an error somehow.


main :: IO ()
main = do
  putStrLn "13 x 12 is"
  print $ russmul 13 12

-- Property: Does russmul = *?
prop_russmul :: Int -> Int -> Bool
prop_russmul a b
  | a > 0 && b > 0 = russmul a b == a * b
  | otherwise      = True

russmul :: Int -> Int -> Int
russmul a b  = sum $ map snd filteredPair
    filteredPair = filter (odd . fst)  $ (a,b) : russmulList a b

russmulList :: Int -> Int -> [(Int, Int)]
russmulList 1 _ = []
russmulList a b = (a', b') : russmulList a' b'
    a' = a `div` 2
    b' = b * 2

Warm Regards,

 - Lyndon

On Mon, Feb 10, 2020 at 8:55 PM Olivier Revollat <> wrote:

> Hi everybody,
> it's my first message on this ML :)
> I don't know if it's appropriate to post this here but I would like to
> have some feedback with one of my first Haskell code.
> I've been inspired by a recent Numberphile video (
> how explain the "Russian
> Peasant" algorithm to do multiplication (here in a nutshell :
> So I decided I give it a go in Haskell, here is my solution, I appreciate
> if you give me some feedback on how to improve this code (make it more
> "idiomatic Haskell")
> NB : I apologize if it's not the right place to ask this kind of review
> ... in that case, where can I post this ?
> Thanks !
> module DivRusse where
> main :: IO ()
> main = do
> putStrLn "13 x 12 is"
> print $ russmul 13 12
> russmul :: Int -> Int -> Int
> russmul a b =
> let filteredPair = filter (\pair -> (fst pair) `mod` 2 /= 0 ) $ (a,b) :
> russmulList a b
> in foldr (\pair acc -> snd pair + acc) 0 filteredPair
> russmulList :: Int -> Int -> [(Int, Int)]
> russmulList 1 _ = []
> russmulList a b =
> let a' = a `div` 2
> b' = b * 2
> in (a', b') : russmulList a' b'
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