Thanks Ron,
There's some good info. in there. Unfortunately, scene doesn't have respondWith: to: method, but I might be able to find a workaround.

One method I was trying to use in the past was to create a script from tiles, and have that script always ticking and just send the helicopter the command to move in response to the world's last keystroke. I couldn't get the script to find the helicopter at all, and have been having trouble with going from one workspace to another attempting to refer to the same thing, and also with the differences between tile scripts and workspace scripts, for some reason they don't act the same and I'm not sure why. Even when I tried creating a class MyWonderland with instance variables | wonder copter |, I couldn't figure out how to get a method to understand what 'copter' was and pass messages to it other than the one that created it. Also related, when I define jump as
jumpup := wonder helicopter move:#up.

I still don't know exactly how to make this method do this again. I've tried World jumpup. jumpup. wonder helicopter jumpup. but only jumpup loop. seems to work, and again only from the particular workspace I defined it in. I know all of this is related somehow. Anyone got a hint?

--- On Wed 11/08, Ron Teitelbaum < [EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
From: Ron Teitelbaum [mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Date: Wed, 8 Nov 2006 11:07:48 -0500
Subject: KeyPress On World of Squeak Wonderland (was: Disappointed)

Hi Jeff,

Welcome to the beginners list!

I appreciate the fact that you are
sticking with the problem. That in my opinion is the best way to learn. I
didn’t answer your question because I do not feel that I am an expert in
Wonderland. If the question was something like how can I map a key to so
some action that is pretty easy, IF that action is an isolated easily called
method. Something like: Utilities garbageCollectAndReport. This is
a class method and there is no instance that needs to be sent to.

If a key stroke needs to be captured and affect
a running instance it is a bit more difficult to do but still very possible. The
issue here is that there is a complicated event loop that needs to be tapped
into but this would be very difficult to explain to someone with limited experience.
The fact that you are using wonderland means that there is probably already a
hook to do what you want so a complicated explanation of what I know will
probably only confuse the matter and make things more difficult for you.

There are people on this list that have
much more experience with Wonderland, but nobody that will answer your question
within hours.

I would love to have Squeak be much more a
pleasant experience for you. My suggestion is that you start slower and
work on understanding basic concepts of Squeak. Do more tutorials; look
into how some things work before trying to extend them.

Also a comment, starting with the
assumption that people are not going to help you is discouraging to people who
might. People are more likely to help people that work hard themselves
and will benefit from the help and will appreciate that help. I think you
have the work hard part down. You need to be a bit more appreciative of
the effort and time that goes into helping you.

Now to your question: Matthias was right
and he sent you to exactly the place you needed to go. I just
loaded a 3.8 image and did the helicopter tutorial. I have to say it was
great fun! Wonderland is a very nice piece of code and I can see that it
would be fun to play with. The tutorial is fun but the concepts are not
easy and how the authors did what they did is very clever but also difficult especially
when you venture off the beaten path. You picked a hard place to
start! That by itself can be very frustrating.

Here is your answer but the answer is not
perfect. What I noticed is that the keys only have focus when the actor
is under the mouse. There may be a way to make this work in the context
of a world but I couldn’t get it to work that way. The world does
not appear to have a reactions collection, but there does seem to be a little hook
in Scene that might have been intended to work that way. Again this is an
advanced concept. I also tried adding a reaction to the ground to make it
easier for this to work. The ground accepted the reaction but did not act
on it. I added a reaction of [:event | self halt] but that did nothing so
maybe background items like ground and sky don’t quite work or don’t
respond to certain reactions the way other actors do. It makes sense that
Wonderland might be written this way. If you added a right key press to
multiple objects how is it supposed to know which item the key press should
control. There could be a number of ways to fix this like adding an actor
that is a control stick or something, then placing the mouse over the control
stick would work the helicopter. (just a suggestion of where you might go
from here)

Ok so here is the code:

helicopter addResponse: [:event |

getMorphicEvent keyString = ''

[helicopter move: #left].

getMorphicEvent keyString = ''

[helicopter move: #right].

] to: #keyPress

I hope that helps, welcome to the list and

Happy coding,

Ron Teitelbaum

President / Principal Software Engineer

US Medical Record Specialists


face="Times New Roman">

style='font-weight:bold'>On Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, November 08, 2006
12:28 AM
Subject: [Newbies] Disappointed

I'm pretty disappointed with this list at the moment. My last post,
"beginners questions" talked about how beginners often don't get
their questions answered and pointed out that often when the experts see that
an answer, ANY answer, was given they then assume the question was answered, so
they don't offer anything more. Now I do appreciate Matthias's honest attempt
to answer the question, so I don't want this to be misconstrued as an attack on
him. But he obviously misread it. And, well, once people saw that the question
of how to make a wonderland actor move in response to mouse clicks had been
answered, I didn't get any more help. The question I asked was how to move a
wonderland actor with the arrow keys, and I need to do that without the actor
having the focus. Unfortunately, since it's been taking so many hours for the
messages I've tried to send to get posted on here, (I think I had screwed up
joining the list somehow, and redid it so hopefully that problem is solved), it
took me a full day to get my question asked and now another full day to explain
that the answer I got was to a different question. By the by, I've been
spending about 10 hours a day for 5 days now trying to solve this problem. It's
getting quite frustrating for me and making me want to give up on squeak.
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