Asselin Raymond a écrit :
Takes about 3 seconds here, with image in different directory
from VM.
On Tue, 06 Mar 2007 07:39:08 -0800, Hilaire Fernandes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I am pretty sure I read it somewhere in the Squeak mailing list
Squeak can be slow to start in Windows... but I cannot find the information.

Bonjour Hilaire,
    si je me souviens bien (IIRC) the problem was that windows look
lot of places to find the .image and this is long.  If you drop the
.image directly ont the squeak.exec you’ll have a fast start, I


Thanks for the tips. I finally took the Herbert option, as this is for a deployment in a school for experimentation test, starting the batch is simpler for kids. Also it will probably prevent the kids from starting several time the VM executable.


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