Il giorno ven, 16/03/2007 alle 14.00 +0000, Michael Davies ha scritto:
> On 16/03/07, Ron Teitelbaum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >
> > Ron
> I notice that there are projects in the SOC list for wxWidgets and
> wxPython. I wonder if anyone would be prepared to mentor a student to
> bring wxSqueak up to date with 3.9/3.10? I don't know if this is a
> trival or a major task, but it would be a good opportunity to ensure
> that any work on wxWidgets helps resolve any integration issues that
> wxSqueak has (if any).
> I've played with wxSqueak and thought that it was fun to use, but
> would feel happier to start using it in anger if I could just load it
> in  to an image from SqueakMap.
> Does anyone actually use wxSqueak? Would it be useful to make it a
> "full citizen"?

I don't think it would do harm, to say the least. If you're interested
in it, you should try and apply to the SoC. I could be the mentor for
this idea.


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