Ron / Dan, Thanks.

I have resolved the issue, by trying a lot of different, minor
modifications to my methods; 59 versions of the most problematic one!

The answer to my question seems to be rooted in my choice of a
#layoutPolicy: ( btw, what is the appropriate use of the # sign when
talking about Smalltalk code?) and specifying the height of containing
morph based on the height of the largest contained morph.

Comment to anyone reading this in search of information, be patient and
confident of finding a solution. Keep searching for answers and asking

---- begin
createEditMorphFor: dataItem title: string
"Use a standard definition of the data entry elements in the form. The
changes I make here will propagate to all the items in the form and keep
the calling method cleaner"

| container contents title |
container := BorderedMorph new.
container color: Color tan.
container layoutPolicy: ProportionalLayout new.
container  borderColor: Color tan.
container hResizing: #spaceFill; hResizing: #spaceFill.
title := StringMorph contents: string.
title  emphasis: 1.
contents :=TextMorph new contents: dataItem.
contents wrapFlag: true.
container height: contents height.
container addMorph: title fullFrame:((LayoutFrame fractions: (0.0 @ 0.0
corner: 0.3@ 1))).
^ container addMorph: contents fullFrame:((LayoutFrame fractions: (0.3 @
0.0 corner: 1.0 @ 1.0))).
--- end

On Mon, Sep 5, 2016 at 5:58 PM, Dan Norton <> wrote:

> Hi John,
> It might be better to separate the labels from the text morph. Each of
> your current panes
> would contain two morphs: a list morph with the labels and beside it a
> text pane with the text
> associated with the selected label. Text panes wrap text well, but list
> panes do not.
>  - Dan Norton
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