--- Peter Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It's always seemed to me that the 'approved' way of creating modules
> to import routines into another script was a bit wordy. 
> In a nutshell, you  have to do something like
>          package abc;
>          use Exporter;
>          @ISA = qw(Exporter);
>          @EXPORT = qw(foo bar baz);
>          @EXPORT_OK = qw(blech flurble);
>          sub foo { ... }
> And that's not even with proper strictness enabled.

But you don't *have* to do any of that.
Exporter is often only use to pollute the main package namespace.
It's an awesome module, but almost never something you *have* to use.
You can always just specify the namespace where the functions reside.

That said, I might agree that require is a better mechanism in many
cases, but when I first started looking for ways to modularize my code,
I looked at require in perlfunc and saw:
 "For a yet-more-powerful import facility, see use and perlmod."

Being too much the gearhead, I went straight there and have virtually
never used a require statement in a script. 

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