Bradford wrote:

> Hi,
> I have an unnamed array which I created from
> splitting up a colon separated string:
>       $_ = "0th:1st:2nd:3rd:4th:5th:6th:7th:Some
> random text: might have :colons: or might not"
>       print ((split /:/)[1,6,8]);  
> ...but I really need to print everything after the
> 8th element.  If the array were named, I could do
> something like this:
> @arr = split(/:/);
> print @arr[1,6,8..$#arr]);
> ... and this would include everything after the 8th
> array element.  I know that -1 should start from the
> end of the array, but specifying [1,6,8..-1] doesn't
> work.
> I didn't see anything in perldata about it so I'm
> hoping someone has a solution. 
> Thanks.
> -- Brad


I can't figure it out either.  Below is a link to a
discussion that mirrors your predicament.  I don't
have time to read it right now, but maybe it will shed
some light on the subject for you.,11&start=0&ic=1

Dave Hoover
"Twice blessed is help unlooked for." --Tolkien

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