On 5/13/09 Wed  May 13, 2009  4:48 PM, "Steve Bertrand" <st...@ibctech.ca>

> Hi all,
> I'm trying to push a scalar onto an array. The array I'm trying to
> push() to is the first element of another array. I can't figure out what
> I'm missing. It would be appreciated if someone could point me in the
> right direction.
> if (-e $data_file) {
>         $graph_data = retrieve $data_file;
>         $x_axis = $graph_data->[0][0];
>         $x_axis++;
>         # start pushing the next days data into the aoa
>         push ($graph_data->[0], ($x_axis));
>         store $graph_data, $data_file;
> }

Your program shouldn't even compile. I get:

"Type of arg 1 to push must be array (not array element) at ..."

The first argument of push should be an array, not a scalar (even if that
scalar is a reference to an array).

    push( @{$graph_data->[0]}, $x_axis );

(the parentheses around $x_axis are unnecessary.)

If you are having more trouble, use the Data::Dumper module to inspect the
contents of your AoA:

    use Data::Dumper;
   print Dumper(\$graph_data);

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