Rick wrote:
below is working code but is there way to shorten this code in more perlish way?

my($DAY, $MONTH , $YEAR ) = (localtime)[3,4,5];

my $day   = sprintf("%02d",$DAY);
my $month = sprintf("%02d", ($MONTH + '1'));
my $year  = sprintf("%04d", ($YEAR + '1900'));

Why are you using a string for mathematical addition?

my $current_dir = join('', $year, $month, $day);

my ( $day, $month, $year ) = ( localtime )[ 3 .. 5 ];

my $current_dir = sprintf '%04d%02d%02d', $year + 1900, $month + 1, $day;


use POSIX 'strftime';

my $current_dir = strftime '%Y%m%d', localtime;

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