Shawn H Corey <> writes:


Thanks that looks useful.  Is there a reason why I should use that
module as apposed to the kind of code offered in the faq about 
tail? (perldoc -q  tail) as suggested by another poster (Jim G).

I mean, I'm not experienced enough to know if there are things the
module handles that a simple script like the one below does not.

  open(FILE,"<./named-pipe") or die "Can't Open ./named-pipe: $!";
      sleep 2;
      seek (FILE,0,1);

It seems at least to survive repeated restarts of system logger.

If I write my script based on this code... what I'd be adding would be
code to get 1 or 2 rgx from the cmdline, then write the hits to
various files.

I'm told there is a systematic way to add my script to solaris bootup,
and to restart it automatically if need be.  But other than those are
there other `gotchas' or whatever I'm liable to need the module for?

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